"Self-sufficiency does not mean 'going back' to the acceptance of a lower standard of living. On the contrary, it is the striving for a higher standard of living, for food that is organically grown and good, for the good life in pleasant surroundings... and for the satisfaction that comes from doing difficult and intricate jobs well and successfully." John Seymour ~ Self Sufficiency 2003

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Welcome to you all

Firstly, it's been a while since I welcomed new followers - my followers fluctuate as I lose a few and gain a few :)

So, with  no further ado, welcome, and thank you for hitting the followers button to:

The Undomestic Diva - sorry I can't provide a link as I can't find a blog for you.

The African Gourmet who's blogs can be found at:
http://nonebutgod1.blogspot.com/ and http://www.theafricangourmet.com/

Elaine at: http://elainesjustbeing.blogspot.com/

Kirsty Udall - http://ruralretreatrestoration.blogspot.co.uk

Dawn http://doingitforourselfs.blogspot.com/ and http://mycraftylogcabin.blogspot.com/


Zelda Haupt  - no blog found...

Finally, new Bloglovin followers are:

Kimberly May at : http://turningthepagesx.blogspot.com/
and Ruwen Niklas Gierls.

If anyone above does have a blog and I haven't linked to it, please let me know and I'll edit this post.

Phew - sorry to be so tardy in welcoming you.  Thanks for joining us on on-going our journey towards self-sufficiency and for exposing yourselves to my ramblings, observations, opinions and soap-box moments.


  1. Hey Dani, my blog is http://ruralretreatrestoration.blogspot.co.uk Kirsty x
    I'm loving having a new blog to read!


Thank you for taking the time to comment - it makes my day and removes the "loneliness' of sitting at my screen blogging supposedly to myself ;) I try and reply as quickly as possible so please forgive me if sometimes my response is delayed.