Firstly, thanks to everyone for their good wishes on my last posting. It was a wonderful relaxing day (in front of the Rosie) - with snow falling on the higher mountains in the Eastern Cape & Lesotho. Sadly, not on our mountains though...
The 31st was Tweedle Dee's due date.
But, nary a peep was heard, not chick was spotted.
I feared that her three week semi-starvation was all in vain. Was Tweedle Dum not up to the task?
I felt so bad for her...
An anniversary gift from Tweedle Dee - the sight of a baby chick :) |
However, the afternoon of our anniversary I went out to check on her progress, and what did I spy peeping out from next to her?
A baby chick :D
What excitement. S'truth! You'd have thought RMan and I had won the lottery lol
Such proud "parents" bwahaha. T'was the easiest childbirith ever!
In anticipation of the arrival of a chick (or two) I had been voraciously reading up on all aspects of making Tweedle Dee's first experience of motherhood as "perfect" and as comfortable as possible.
Most sites advised keeping the hen and baby chicks apart from the rooster.
The chicken coop we made out of the frame from the water container |
That was a problem as we only had one coop - the one we made from the water container frame. Knowing that trying to source another frame in a short space of time was not feasible I racked my brains as to what we could do.
I even resorted to googling buying a new chicken coop, or small garden shed...
Until I had a brainwave.
I sent the local tile shop an e-mail, asking them if they had any pallets for sale. I knew that tiles were delivered to them on pallets, and wondered if they had to return them to the supplier, or whether they kept them?
Sure enough they e-mailed back giving me the name of someone to call / speak to the next time we were in the area.
RMan, in anticipation of woodworking chores ahead, is not always keen on "quickly stopping to see if they have anything suitable" but I managed to get him to drop in.
They had pallets which were very solid, and had to be returned to the suppliers. But, then they also had these:
Scrap pallets - with our name on them :) Any idea's what we could do with all those outdated bathroom fittings - they're due to be smashed shortly - because the new loo seats don't match / fit. What a waste! |
Less study pallets, but they would certainly do the job.
Five were loaded in our trailer.
George, the carpenter from "The Wood Shop" had offered us some old nesting boxes which he could no longer use because the otters in the nearby river, kept eating his chickens.
Those got loaded into the trailer at the same time.
Offloading everything at home we got to work.
The new pallet chicken coop in the making |
The pallets got stripped and the wooden slats were moved closer together to make walls.
We added one of the two nesting boxes to the one side of the coop. |
One of the two sets of nesting boxes was added to the one side.
Collecting eggs from here in future is going to be a breeze :) |
A door was added...
Apart from the roof, the entire structure was covered in chicken wire - even the floor - so that if any otters fancied digging underneath they would find their way blocked.
We placed the new coop next to the old one, and covered both of the roofs with a piece of IBR sheeting (corrugated roofing), and a double layer of shadecloth - to prevent the coop from becoming an oven in the hottest time of the day / year.
"His" and "Hers" chicken coops lol Tweedle Dums is on the right, and Tweedle Dee and the chicks pallet coop is on the left. |
Literally, as we finished that coop, Tweedle Dee became a mama. Of 4 chicks (clever Tweedle Dee - and Tweedle Dum lol) :D
And, watching them, the chicks started clambering all over the quaddie tyre nest.
They wouldn't stay in there long.
I was concerned that they would get out of the nest and fall 2 - 2.5 feet to the floor. Would they survive? I doubted it.
Plus, when Tweedle Dum came near Mama hen rose up menacingly with wings widely spread.
Definitely time to move them.
But - how do we transfer her and the chicks to the new coop?
How to move this bulky nest to the new coop? |
Three days after we had spotted the first chick, 4 chicks were toddling round the nest, I said to RMan that it was time - we couldn't wait for the other two eggs to hatch / not hatch.
He carefully picked up the tyre and base and tried to manoeuvre them out of the frame coop and into the new pallet one.
Naturally, the chicks leapt out of the nest - together with mama. Now they were running round the frame coop.
Oh, how to catch a chick. Not bloody easy, is it, but, bless RMan, he did it.
Transferring all of the chicks (and the two remaining eggs) to the new coop, all that was needed was for Mama to now locate them but their frantic chirps.
Finally, they were are securely ensconced within their new dwelling.
We have fenced off the area outside the coop so that Mama and the chicks have access to outside without fear of Tweedle Dum interferring |
Mama wasn't interested in the last two eggs, so they ended up being sacrificed for the good of the 4 chicks.
Clever Tweedle Dee - teaching the chicks to scratch for their food |
The first couple of days the chicks couldn't make it out of the coop - the lip under the door was too high. Strategically placed bricks soon sorted that out.
Tweedle Dee is forever going inside and out of the pallet coop - I reckon she love it :) |
Tweedle Dee has been amazing - I am blown away by her mothering instinct!!
Firstly, when she was sitting on the eggs, she only got off them for about 10 minutes every 3 days. Every THREE days?! I kid you not. Her comb went almost colourless, and her feathers lost their lustre.
What dedication!
Now they are hatched, she does not let them out of her sight for a second. When chick feed is sprinkled on the ground, she rushes up and "pretends" to peck at it. Naturally, the chicks follow suit.
When she is happy that they are all eating, I then scatter her normal chicken feed down, and she then proceeds to fill her stomach.
And - whoa! Have you ever given your baby chicks ( and Mama of course) some cottage cheese? They absolutely love it - the baby chicks grab a mouthful and rush away to the corner to eat it - so that no-one can steal it from them. They have even swiped Mama's mouthful straight out of her beak!
At bedtime, it used to be a chore to get Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum into the coop. Food had to bribe them inside each and every time.
Bed time - everyone safely ensconced in their bed |
With the new coop, in the late afternoon Mama toddles inside when she's ready, settles down in the nesting box, with the baby chicks rushing to join her as fast as they can.
All I have to do is close and lock the door behind them.
The new coop is a brilliant success - everyone is happy, and have accepted it as their new home.
What did it costs us?
A pair of hinges and a dead bolt for the door, a packet of screws, 10 mtrs of chicken wire - and some of our time. The IBR roofing and the shadecloth we had already.
And the wood shavings - well, it's nice to have a friendly carpenter in town - he's only too happy to get rid of his waste :)
What about Tweedle Dum? He has settled down into his coop on his own - well, the rest of his family is right next door, aren't they?! He probably enjoys having the entire roost to himself, if the truth be told...
I have a sneaky suspicion that one of the chicks is a rooster - it has a dark "line" on it's head, and it's wings have dark markings which the others don't have. So, for a period, Tweedle Dum may have company - until the "spare" rooster is ready for the pot.