We reckon that moving to, and living on the farm, growing whatever will grow in those conditions, will bring more peace and quiet to our lives. Less of the rush, rush, rush, and more time to actually enjoy each day as it happens.
I am looking forward to entertaining those who would like to share our experience when they have the time to pop in for a visit.
But, as we discovered this past December, there are some visitors who will not be quite so welcome. Not ever!
This is Muffin, NGirl's new Pekinese puppy. Muffin turned out to be a very welcome visitor because he developed a particular liking for large green grashoppers / crickets / locusts...
First the right paw went out. Squish. Then the left paw. Scrape... squish. This was repeated until...
Good boy, Muffin :) |
The object landed with it's feet / legs / what would you call them, in the air. Muffin managed to wipe out at least 4 - 5 of these in his last few nights. Well done, Muffin!
As John Cleese said in the one Monty Python skit: "This (locust) is deceased. It has ceased to live. It is an ex-(locust)." |
They are the most revolting insects, for the noise they make is unlike any noise I have heard before. Not the irritating, piercing "chirp chirp" of a cricket, but more like a rasping, grating noise - quite peculiar. And not one which would be conducive to a good night's sleep.
The solution to this problem, if you don't have a Muffin in your life - is, if you have lights on inside, keep the doors and windows closed - otherwise you'll have these unwelcome visitors!
There were more of these enormous worms too - and they got sorted out with a quick squirt of our special mixture... A heavy boot also does the trick. Messy - yes. But it works.
They are beautiful, if very destructive insects, but I wonder what they look like as butterflies?
More locusts were lurking in the lemon trees - this time the quick squirt took less than 10 seconds to take effect.
Can you see the locust lurking in the lemon tree? |
The result... Done and dusted LOL You're not going to damage my lemon trees if I can help it.
I'm not too sure if this palm-sized fellow is a toad or a frog - but he is welcome. Even though as a child I stood on one with bare feet, I try and block out the memory when I come across one. Mosquitoes, crickets / grasshoppers / locusts - they are all surely on his menu?
Looking for one of Muffin's "toys" which escaped highlighted this chap skulking in the corner of the lounge... |
John, our helper / labourer, was a mine of useful information. One of his suggestions was that I place the emerging pumpkins on a bed of straw and...
... covered by yet more straw. This is supposedly to prevent the fruit from getting stung. I know it gets stung, but I have no idea by what... can anyone help?
Pumpkins "smothered" in straw |
For those who have followed my blog for a while, you know about our solar shower enclosure around the caravan. We decided to move the caravan as it is blocking our sunset view. So that has been shifted to the other side of the house, where it is also less windy, and exposed. That left us with the temporary shower shadecloth structure. Initially, we were going to take it all down, so we started moving the sandbags which are placed around the base. However...
Temporary shower structure at the side of the caravan |
As John was emptying the contents of the bags into the wheelbarrow, he heard, and saw, something out of the corner of his eye. Closer inspection caused him to shout out: "Meneer, SLANG"! ("Sir - SNAKE").
It's just had it's head bashed in... and it continued to move for another couple of hours... |
Bearing in mind that MKid, and two additional dogs, were due to arrive three days later, RMan grabbed his gun, and taking aim - gave the trigger a careful and considered pull. A couple of hard whacks to the head by John finished the job off satisfactorily :)
A 1.8 mtr Cape Cobra |
Lastly, can anyone identify what insect is on the back of this leaf? I found it in my veggie patch - and the plant was covered with them. Buried under the sprawling tomatoes, the base / roots of the plant wasn't easy to find but I managed to yank it out. But I would dearly love to know what they are.