
Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Square metre gardening - a book giveaway

A blog I follow gave a link to a giveaway of a book called, One Magic Square, written by Lolo Hobein.  Always on the lookout for valuable expert information on growing my veggies successfully, I was intrigued.
I reckon this square foot metre system could produce literally loads of mini food forests on our plot - in both our current shadecloth veggie patch as well as in the new ones we have planned.
Image source:
The giveaway is on Costa's blog, which you can find here.  Costa is the host of an Australian TV series "Gardening Australia".

But, it turns out that all is not what it seems.  As I was composing this blog entry, I received an e-mail.  It would appear that Costa has copied the give-away, which is actually being hosted and offered on Sustainable Suburbia's website!  (Kirsten let me know in her comment on my previous blog entry).  But, not only has Costa done that, it would appear that he has also copied Kirsten's posting in entirety - work-for-word!  Strange, strange behaviour...!  And the only acknowledgement he has given is a really tiny mention (with no link) of Sustainable Suburbia before the main body of the article and at the bottom as part of Kirsten's original content.  
As the give-away is not only restricted to Australians, but is open to anyone, anywhere in the world, I have entered the competition :)

I'll be back in blogland next week - very early on Thursday morning RMan and I are <help!!> flying up to Johannesburg to attend our DD's marriage to WGuy.  See you then... :)


  1. Lots of changes in your life at the moment. Exciting. Enjoy the trip.

  2. There does seem to be lots of pirating and thieving of blogs posts going on lately. It makes me want to give up the whole blogging thing. It is very sad.

    1. Jane - Plagiarism is unforgivable! But please don't stop blogging - yours is one of my favourites :)

  3. We planted our raised beds in the square foot method last year. Thirty-two tomato plants in an 8x4 ft. garden .. all growing uP on tall trellises .. producing beautifully.

    1. Mrs Mac - Reckon I may need the book to steer me in the right direction LOL

  4. I have practiced square foot gardening in years past in my raised beds in town and it's been great. It's a great method for producing a whole lot in a little space.

    That's crazy about the blog posting stuff. Crazy crazy. I just hope it doesn't make anyone want to quit (including you Jane) I'm too hooked on blogs to lose even one, ha.

    Congrats to your family Dani, so many exciting changes, can't wait to see what the future holds! Best wishes and safe travels!

    1. 1st Man - Thanks :)

      Yeah - plagiarism is nasty! And so unnecessary. All it takes is acknowledging where you get the info and giving a heart link of two - so simple, and it won't tick people off!

  5. I know about square foot gardening, but hadn't heard about square metre gardening,


    1. Gill - T'would appear that you are the only one who picked up on square METRE gardening, as opposed to square FOOT LOL But I guess both amount to the same thing - just bigger :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment - it makes my day and removes the "loneliness' of sitting at my screen blogging supposedly to myself ;) I try and reply as quickly as possible so please forgive me if sometimes my response is delayed.