
Sunday, 2 July 2017

I'm speechless!


  1. me and jam have known about chemtrails/contrails for years as we used to live underneath a direct-fly route to our international airport in ottawa. we saw that some jets/planes had a little bit of exhaust coming out of the engines but it dissipated very quickly. however, some of the jets/planes exhaust lasted for up to 2 or more hours. we wondered about that and that is when we learned about chemtrails/contrails. and high-tailed it to cape breton as soon as we could.

    i am all for good conspiracy theories but this woman is speaking the truth! and if we don't all start doing our own little bit, like you and RMan, we are leaving our children and grandchildren to an unknown situation, a scary situation.

    the lady in the video is right - we cannot allow big corporations using cap and tap and then letting big polluters get off simply by paying money/fines/credits.

    Dani - it's a crazy world right now and like you, i just want to be some small part of the solution!

    sending much love to you all! your friend,

    1. kymber - Apologies for the late reply - our internet has been down since Saturday :(

      We can only be a part of the solution - although our lifestyles do not make us totally innocent. However, I TOTALLY DISAGREE that any company / person can simply "pay" for their transgressions against this planet and all the innocent people living on it...

  2. A regular con trail dissipates very is normal. Chem trails, on the other hand spread out and obscure the sky all day. We have been sprayed with these chemicals for years. Whole forests are dying because of the fallout. What is it doing to us? This is happening world wide. There is even something called 'chem trail flu' as many people have breathing problems and feel sick on the days they spray the skies. Monsanato has even developed seeds that resist the aluminum and other toxic chemicals falling from the skies. Follow the money, eh? It is part of the U.N. agenda 21. Google Agenda 21 and Chemtrails. It is an eye opener.

    1. Tewshooz - I'm sickened by the shenannigans of business / government - in the name of "profit" :(

  3. Dani,I've heard the debates for a long time, but didn't know what to think. This lady us very persuasive. The link below is my first goggle search of the subject and I will continue to search. Thanks for the post.

  4. I saw a programme on the International Space Station and the amount of junk that is floating around in space is horrifying. It looks like our oceans, full of bits and pieces of plastic. We can't just carry on with progress at all costs, something has to give.

    1. pqsa - Aaaaaah, don't get me started on space junk...!

  5. Dani,
    I've searched the Internet and also Nasa's Official youtube sight and can't find anything to back this lady up. I guess time will tell.

    1. Marlin - here is a link to the lady:

    2. You're very welcome :D

  6. Yeah, and what's more, all the damned tourists threw their trash all over our park and the roads this past weekend! >:(

    If people can't keep from throwing trash out the car window, it doesn't bode well for the more complicated things.

  7. Dani,
    My wife stumbled onto this today. I wanted to pass it along for you to show anyone who still doesn't believe that chem-trails are a hoax. Thanks for helping make me a believer.

    1. Marlin - The more people are aware the better informed their choices are going forward...


Thank you for taking the time to comment - it makes my day and removes the "loneliness' of sitting at my screen blogging supposedly to myself ;) I try and reply as quickly as possible so please forgive me if sometimes my response is delayed.