
Saturday, 25 June 2016

Feathers of a different kind...

RMan was walking outside when his sharp eagle eyes spotted a couple of these feathers lying on the ground.
A feather from the Cape Parrot?

I have never seen a bird with these colours / markings here where we live.
The Cape Parrot is the one in the lower
 right hand corner
Consulting my Robert Birds of Southern Africa book, the only bird I can possibly identify it with is a Cape Parrot.  But, again, I have never heard anyone mention it...
The distribution map shows that although it's
 name Cape Parrot, it does not frequent this
  part of South Africa...
A Cape Parrot - which is not normally found in the (Western or any) Cape??

But there is no other bird in the book which comes even close to those markings / colour.

Naturally, I am keeping my eyes peeled for a repeat visit so that I can confirm the sighting.

But, if any of my readers can help me confirm / re-identify which bird these feathers belong to I would be very grateful.


We have been having a plethora of absolutely breath taking sunrises and sunsets - and I have to share these pics I took of the sunrise from the 20th June.
Skies such as this mesmerise me. 
The colours lingered for such a long time -
 almost right up until the sun rose above the
And make me realize how starved I was for both whilst we were living in our town house in the valley.  Surrounded on both sides by mountains, view such as this weren't possible.

They provide such an incredible way to start (or end) the day... :D


  1. I can't help with the ID of the feather...we have no parrots in this part of the world. But I can say that global warming is proven to make birds go in different places than normally seen. My wife and I are serious birders and have been for several years. Two weeks ago we observed a pair of Gambel Quails. The closest place in Texas to us that they are suppose to be is 500+ miles away. We did get pictures of them and they were confirmed by TEXBIRDS. There's no telling what all of us might see now!!

    1. Marlin - I'm not a twitcher, but it is fascinating to see all the different birds around us. But, parrots I've never heard of.

      Global warming / climate change is going to be an eye opener for all of us, in many different ways. I wonder how many of us are ready or will be able to handle it...?

    2. Very,very few of the billions of people are ready for global warming, and the few of us who are working to be ready may have a big surprise!!

    3. Marlin - I know. I reckon that no matter what we try and anticipate, it's going to be much, much worse. But, I have to try and do what I can to continue to grow the fruit and veggies that we consume in whatever way I possibly can - e.g. hydroponics / mulching and a new product which hasn't been launched yet so I can't share info on it. But, that is all presupposing that the bees can handle the new climate... :(

  2. I wonder if it was a pet that has escaped, stunning feathers, stunning sunsets too :-)

    1. Dawn - I have not idea? Haven;t heard of anyone in the area who has lost one...

      They are stunning views, aren't they :D

  3. Beautiful sunrises & sunsets! Can't help with the feather. Hope you get to see it strutting around, I bet it's beautiful!

    1. DFW - Actually seeing the bird would be excellent - I'm definitely going to keep my eyes open :)

  4. Hi, colouration is Lilac Breasted Roller but their distribution is not normally as far south as you are.

    1. Cheryl - Welcome - and thank for taking the time to leave a comment. Lilac breasted roller - that's an interesting thought - thanks :) Either the parrot of the roller are not normally spotted here - maybe it getting too hot up north...?


Thank you for taking the time to comment - it makes my day and removes the "loneliness' of sitting at my screen blogging supposedly to myself ;) I try and reply as quickly as possible so please forgive me if sometimes my response is delayed.