
Friday, 4 March 2016

Tomato salad

Apologies - I can't reveal my secret just yet - I have been down with a hectic tooth abscess which has left me feeling pretty miserable, not to mention the subsequent dental assistance this past week.  As you can imagine, that is not conducive to blogging lol

I can just imagine how impatient all those living in the northern hemisphere are to start planting their tomato seeds for their summer crop.

So I thought I'd give you some encouragement :)
Clockwise from the top left:
My new purple tomatoes, golden yellow,
red beefsteak heirloom and cocktail tomatoes
I posted here about how I have started preserving my tomato harvest this year.

And in that posting I promised you a peek at how amazing a tomato salad composed of different tomato cultivars looks.

Are you ready?
5 different tomatoes cultivars:
purple tomatoes, golden yellow tomatoes,
2 X cocktail tomatoes and beefsteak heirloom
tomatoes.  To me it is as beautiful as any

 bouquet of flowers :)
There is something so satisfying about slicing through a fresh, juicy tomato with a sharp knife - with a delicious homegrown salad as the end goal.
All those tomatoes in a salad - with
homegrown red onions, and shop bought
avocado's (our avo trees which I grew from pips
aren't bearing yet)
Being a typical male, RMan prefers his slab of flesh, to greens, on his plate, and so, if I give RMan a salad chopped into small pieces, he is more likely to eat it.  This salad was a pleasure to make :)


  1. Dani - that salad looks so delicious that i want to lick the computer screen! i won't be starting any tomatoe seeds for a few weeks yet - we're still in full winter. i hope that you enjoyed that yummy salad! did you put any oil/vinegar or anything on it or just eat it plain? i would have eaten it plain!

    sending much love! your friend,

    1. kymber - Like yours and jams favourite mode of clothing, it was a completely nekkid salad ;)

    2. Dani - i completely forgot about your tooth. are you on antibiotics or any pain medication? if not - use clove oil. just put 10 whole cloves in about 2tblspns of EVOO. let it sit for about 24hrs before using it. it works like a charm. and keep it in your medicine cabinet for up to a year. don't remove the cloves. it gets stronger and stronger the longer the cloves are in it. when you have a toothache, just dip your finger into the oil and rub it around your tooth and gum. xoxxo

    3. kymber - Nope, I had to have antibiotics. As a child I had rheumatic fever, which left me with a heart murmur, so any infection, or even basic dental work, automatically means that the script is written, filled and consumed in it's entirety. Otherwise I run the risk of contracting more serious heart problems. Thanks for the thought though :)

  2. just started my tomato seeds this past week, yours look lush, sorry to hear you have toothache theres nothing worse, Secret what secret what I have missed :-)

    1. Dawn - Yeah, a toothache seems to completely fill one's head, dioesn't it. Secret - it's here: Listen

  3. Oh my gosh Dani, that salad looks soooo delicious. Hardly anything worse than a toothache, hope it's better.

    1. DFW - T'was indeed :) Yup, all better now - thanks.

  4. My sister is working on a farm in the UK for a year, so she gets toothache. Part of her visa was paying to use the NHS but she finds she can only get an appointment in September! They tell her to go along to the chemist and get a "do-it-yourself fix". Yes, a cement she can jam into the tooth until she can see the dentist. I asked about the weekend do-it-yourself heart surgery fun pack, but all I heard was a muffled giggle.

    1. pasa - Ah, that explains why the Brits teeth are so bad. That is unbelievable!!


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