
Sunday, 15 November 2015

Arrival and departure

Long time followers of my blog (are there any left lol?) will remember back in 2010 I planted some lemon tree pips in soil.
Lemon pips harvested in 2010
They grew...
Early 2011

And grew...
January 2012 - the second lot of three rows
was planted

2014 - the lemon trees are definitely growing
Until they decided that the time was ripe to send forth some fruit.
October 2015 - bearing fruit at last
This week I harvested the first of my home grown lemons.

All 236gms of it.
Our first lemon produced on a tree
grown from a pip :)
('scuse the dirty scale, it's my garden produce scale :)  )

It was absolutely delicious squeezed over our butter and garlic fried hake last week.

Then - on to the departure...

Tweedle Dee decided that he didn't like being ostracized by Tweedle Dee whilst she raised her chicks.  And he turned downright mean and nasty.

To the point that neither Scallywag, our dog, nor I, could venture into the garden without being terrorized / attacked by him.

Damage inflicted by Tweedle Dee to the back
of my leg
The sod perfected creeping up very silently behind me and attacking the back of my legs.

So, I spoke to our neighours to see if they would like him back.  it was either that, or into the pot with him - not that RMan and I would do the deed.  We couldn't willingly kill an animal - we're just too soft.

Thankfully, they accepted his return with extremely good grace - and apparently he is ruling the roost together with a larger rooster.  With roughly 30 hens between them I'm sure his days are very occupied...

RMan and I can now happily roam the land again without fear of attack by a sodding rooster!!

As for Tweedle Dee - she's more than happy to care for her chicks without fear and intimidation / an over eager suitor.  Let's see in the months ahead if she has produced a rooster of her own...


  1. How exciting, it must be so satisfying growing something from a pip to harvesting lemons! Glad Tweedle Dee found a new home, would hate to think of him ending up in a pot.

    1. Chickpea - I have been told so many times that these lemon trees would not bear fruit. I now have proof that lemon trees grown from pips bear fruit :) Okay - it took 5 years, but it was worth the wait lol

      Yeah, I would feel strange too. Guess naming them doesn't help to keep them as potential food "specimens" ;)

  2. Yay for the fruit, isn't that amazing that you started with a fruit, saved the seeds and here you are a few years later with the cycle complete. Nature is amazing.

    Sorry about the rooster...I've heard they can be very aggressive. But now he's happy and you all are happy and so is Tweedle Dee and her chicks. :-)

    1. 1st Man - The cycle continues, that's for sure :) Yeah, Tweedle Dee definitely had a mean streak. I hear, though, that not all roosters are downright mean and nasty...

  3. Nice job with the lemon trees. My mom grew one in the backyard of the house I basically grew up in.

    I never turn my back on roosters, I don't trust them as far as I can throw them.

    1. Harry - Lesson learned. The next rooster will have to know, from the start, who is boss...

  4. So glad you finally got fruit & it's a nice one at that. Also glad you got rid of the rooster, those things can turn so mean very quickly, you have proof of that!

    1. DFW - I was despairing that my trees would bear fruit - so I'm completely thrilled that my faith in them has literally "borne fruit" lololol

      Yup - Tweedle Dum was definitely an "ornery critter"!!

  5. I remember you planting those lemon seeds! So nice to see them all grown up and productive. It's lovely that you can grow them outside like that.

    Mean roosters are not welcome on our place! Anytime one shows a sign of aggression toward humans, he's soup. Nice you could send him back.

    1. Leigh - I'm thrilled that they are finally bearing fruit.

      Yeah, ornery roosters are definitely not welcome here. And if any of Tweedle Dee's chicks are mean, then they'll just have to go to whoever wants it... ;)

  6. Envious of your lemons! I've been told we can grow Meyer lemons here as long as we bring them indoors during the cold season. I haven't tried that but someone did give me an orange tree last year (he was moving and couldn't take it with him). I have it inside the house now but don't think it gets enough light during the winter. Next year I'm going to be better about watering it and getting it outside earlier in the season, even if I have to bring it in at night.

    1. Cherie - Thankfully, we don't have such cold winters here where we live.

      Do you have a greenhouse? If so, perhaps you could plant your orange in the greenhouse? You'd probably find that you will get a better harvest if the tree is in the ground too ;)


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