
Saturday, 31 October 2015


... is associated with romance.

But, the other night - during the full moon - the farmers round us were all busy.

When RMan went to the bathroom, he rushed out again to call me to come and see...
...the farmers were harvesting by moonlight.  It was a tad surreal to see the moon, with two "mini" moons below it.

Quite, quite gorgeous.

Our temperature on our smallholding hit an uncomfortable and unseasonal high of 39oC last Wednesday.  It even made the news:

And, tomorrow they are predicting snow to fall on the higher mountain ranges, and our maximum temperature is dropping to 13oC.

That's ridiculous!

No, it won't be snowing where we are - unfortunately.

And - I am not complaining.

That means I can light the Rosie in order to cook the duck legs I purchased on my brief trip through to Cape Town a couple of weeks ago.

T'will be a fitting meal to celebrate 35 years.  It was raining that day 35 years ago, and t'will be raining where we are tomorrow.

But, we'll be cosy and gemütlich inside - watching the raindrops topping up our dam, and replacing the water we have already used from our rainwater tanks.

Can't wait :)


  1. Does this mean it's your anniversary!!

  2. What a lovely sight, the moon looks beautiful. Your weather is crazy! Happy Anniversary to you both x

    1. The weather is absolutely mad. Walking to 15 - 20oC = summer gown. 10 - 15oC = winter gown. Can't put the woolies away yet - and it's almost NOVEMBER!?!?

  3. YAY! Happy 35th anniversary, that's awesome! Only 15 more to the Golden Anniversary!!! I love when the weather on an anniversary is exactly the same, it just seems so appropriate!! Enjoy yourselves and the wonderful life you've created together!

    1. 15?! Gulp. Gulp. Lol

      Yeah, it will be like an instant replay - 35 years later. Obviously meant to be - the wedding and the weather lol

  4. Happy 35th Anniversary you two!

    1. Thank you Quinn - it was a lovely day - both back 35 years and yesterday ;)

  5. Happy anniversary :) The weather has been crazy ..... I am not going to complain too loudly about the cold, the heat wave a few days ago was hectic. We went awol from the shop for a few hours and returned with sopping wet jeans and covered in sea sand - it was wonderful :)

    1. Rosemary - It has been, hasn't it. And apparently after plunging down to 13oC yesterday, Wednesday is going to be 35oC again...

      I think even if we had some kind of pool (other than our murky dam) the water would've been to hot to swim - heated by the ambient temperature.

  6. OMWord. Has it really been 35 years already?? Congrats to you and Rman. Am I jealous -mmm - yes... and no.. typical Gemini. May the next 35 years be everything and much much more then the last . Best wishes to you both Lots of love.

    1. Thanks Brat. No need to be jealous - 35 years has not always been plain sailing - the seas have been rough at times, but the vessel proved to be strong enough to weather the leaks ;)


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