
Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Winter... or Spring?

Firstly, thank you to everyone who left comments / messages on my last (indulgent) blog posting :)  Funny, thoughtful and thought provoking.  Bless you all.

Back to the subject of this blog posting - even Nature seems confused at the moment.
Scallies - in front of the Rosie
The days are good and cold - now and then.  Not often enough as far as I am concerned.  Scallywag, at 15 years old, is feeling the cold, and can be found in this position whenever the Rosie is lit :)  And even when it isn't - almost as though he is saying, "C'mon guys. light it for me won't you."  (RMan can normally be fond standing in front of the Rosie, too - he doesn't like the cold, and constantly warms his back - much to my annoyance when I am trying to cook 'cos he's in my way lol)
The canola fields from the N2
Driving to town for our weekly shop is exquisite - not only is the countryside green (due to the winter rains) but the canola fields are also flowering.  The contrast of the deep blue sky, the dark green foliage, and the yellow fields - magical!!
Green and gold - apt
I read on someone's blog the other day that they reckon their spring is over - huh!!??  Ours is just starting - our plum trees are in full blossom.  Hopefully the wind goes on vacation so that the blossoms / small fruit aren't blown off the trees...
Plum blossoms - to few to pick a small vase
full for the table, but enough to promise a harvest
this coming summer
... for what would the fruit eating birds do then - never mind us?  I have no plum jam left in the pantry...
The best of all three - plum blossoms in the
 foreground, fields filled with canola flowers, and
 green oats waving in the breeze the background.
The circle of life continues - each with it's own beauty and reward.

But, please - don't hurry away just yet winter - I'm not done with you yet...


  1. We are in summer although one of my apple trees is in blossom and thinks its spring, I am looking forward to Autumn although I am not in a rush, I am sort of hoping we may get an Indian summer this year :-)

    1. Dawn - Our apple trees always blossom last out of all our fruit trees. I see there is a heavy rain warning for the UK tomorrow and Friday - they're predicting 30 - 50mm of rain in two days.

  2. I just LOVE your Rosie--what a gorgeous hunk of stove.
    Our summer is coming to an end--I'm glad. I'm a winter person--love to ski and snowmobile and just take long walks in the silence.
    YOUR winter, though not snowy--is sure pretty. Love the blue skies with the canola fields. You truly live in a beautiful place............even though you don't get snow. Ha!

    1. Sue - She is, isn't she?! S'funny how appliances that work for us females, are also always female lol Would never dream of thinking of Rosie as male - notwithstanding her name either.

      I'd swop some of the canola fields for some snow - any snow...

  3. Scallywag is not daft, and hopefully waiting for you to put a nice soft bed on the floor to ease her old bones :-) That's a very familiar scene.

    Sorry I have been AWOL for a while, you've been incredibly busy, hope you are keeping well.

    1. Jayne - We would put his bed near the Rosie - 'cept we're wary of a cinder or two falling on it.

      All good here - you did well schlepping the caravan to it's new home - well done!!

  4. Fierce wind knocking our garden around, and a little rain.
    Bit wary of mudslides on our burnt mountain, but it is greening slowly.

    1. Diana - Blowing a gale here too... No rain yet - need some quite urgently as there is a fire in the Langeberg near Heidelberg which has been burning since yesterday and is heading to Groot Vadersbosch :(

    2. Nope - am hoping that the rain which is predicted to fall tonight will do the deed...!!!


Thank you for taking the time to comment - it makes my day and removes the "loneliness' of sitting at my screen blogging supposedly to myself ;) I try and reply as quickly as possible so please forgive me if sometimes my response is delayed.