
Monday, 15 June 2015

Extend the life

... of  peeled avocado's.

I cannot for the life of me remember where I read this tip, but, by gum, it works!!

We all know how irritating it is to use half an avo and place the balance in the fridge to use at another time.  Invariably the left over half goes brown... :(
Monday, 8th June 2015
 When we had finished with the guacamole for
that meal I slipped a small piece of onion in the
 bowl with the left overs
Or when you make guacamole.  Looking at a bowl of brown-ish gunk in the fridge a day or so later does not inspire one to use it.

Well - here is a solution :) 
Saturday, 13th June 2015
 5 days later - the guacamole still looks
 good enough to eat :)  And tasted delicious
 for breakfast with a fresh slice of homemade
Placing a small piece of onion in with the left overs delays it from going brown.

I kid you not.

The first pic was taken on the 8th June, and the lower pic was taken on the 13th - 5 whole days later.  Yeah, your avo will have a slight onion flavour, but what the heck.  If it prevents you from tossing out an unappealing bowl of brown guacamole, or half an (expensive) avo, then in my book it's worth it.

"Waste not, want not" is the way I was brought up :)  With starvation levels increasing world-wide, there is no reason why we should contribute to the statistics - in any small way at all.

Btw, I mashed the avocado with lemon juice, a slight sprinkling of sugar and salt and pepper as I always do.

Thank you all for leaving such lovely comments on my "Now you see me" post.  It has been wonderful to "meet" all those bloggers out there who took up the challenge :)  And, there are a couple out there who still haven't... ;)


  1. I'll have to try this, though usually when I get a good avocado, I just eat it right up. Unfortunately, at least half the avocados I buy are an expensive waste, because they are either too ripe or otherwise spoiled - when I cut them, they smell like ink and have weird brown dots and streaks running through them. It is VERY frustrating, as they are VERY pricey. Drives me nuts to throw food away. But every now and then I have to take a chance and buy one because I love good avocado so very much!

    1. Quinn - I know exactly what you mean. I find that if one purchases loose avo's or those packaged in trays here, you have a chance that they will be good. Those prepackaged in a bag are invariably bruised and are a waste of time.

      I try and buy unripe avo's and put them in a bowl together with apples and banana's - that soon ripens them :)

  2. I like avocados. They are expensive and not available up here very often, so when I get one I eat the whole thing.

    1. Harry - In summer here they are wickedly expensive, and are imported. Winter is avo time here, and the price drops dramatically. So I only buy in winter lol

  3. Dani - i thought i had found the best answer for keeping guacamole from going brown - the tip was to put the pit in the centre of the guacamole. it helps but it certainly goes browner a lot faster than your tip with the onion piece. ingenious girl! thank you so much for sharing this tip! i loooooove avocados when they are in season! i can't wait to try this trick!

    thanks again for putting up your beautiful pic...i was so glad to "meet" you! sending much love! your friend,

    1. kymber - I have tried putting the pip in with the guacamole, and leaving it in with the 1/2 avo. But it doesn't work as well as the small slice of onion. THAT is brialliant!!!

    2. P.S. T'was wonderful to "meet" you too. I downloaded a screenshot of your pic so I can get a "refresher" whenever I want (giggle)

  4. I absolutely love avocado, especially in salads. I usually cut in 1/2 & put 1/2 on my salad & the other 1/2 in the fridge still in it's skin w/pit still in. When ready to use, I usually have to cut away just a small amount of the 'exposed' flesh. But, they usually don't last in the fridge more than an extra day or so.

    1. DFW - Instead of leaving it in the fridge with with the pip, try removing the pip, adding a small slice of onion - and you'll find no dark, hard, brown dry flesh ;)

  5. Avocado is one of my favorite things. We usually, on our guacamole, press plastic wrap onto the top of it, to keep it fresh and it works but is a pain. Will definitely try that. Thank you!!!!!

  6. Really??? It's that easy??? Great tip, Dani!

    1. Leigh - It couldn't be easier :) The only drawback (to some) will be the slight onion flavour.

  7. I LOVE avocados but since they don't grow in our region and most are shipped from California with it's huge water crisis I've stopped buying them. I'll have to check the local grocery stores to see if any are from Florida. Sorry I missed "seeing" you - I'm very much behind on blog reading/commenting due to farm life - you know how it goes. :)

    1. Cherie - Avo's grown here are normally from up country where the climate is more suitable. We have three trees which I have grown form pits/ pips. Not sure if they will ever bear fruit, as I've heard that it may take 15 years.

      Sorry I had to remove my "Now you see me" post, but I'm not mad about my pic roaming the net, and value my privacy... Yup, know just what you mean about being behind. I'm trying to balance my work on our smallholding, with the work for our Cape Town based business and my pleasure / leisure activities. Not always winning which is why I can only get a post up once or twice every week.


Thank you for taking the time to comment - it makes my day and removes the "loneliness' of sitting at my screen blogging supposedly to myself ;) I try and reply as quickly as possible so please forgive me if sometimes my response is delayed.