
Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Silent power?

I have the winter ( or is it blogger) blues it seems...

But, to share something a bit more positive, I seriously do fancy this.
For all those concerned about the danger to birds with a normal VAWT, or HAWT, this does seem to go some way to addressing those concerns.

Addmittedly, it is still in the design phase, but the promise is there... :)

If anyone wants to be part of the action, click here :


  1. Hi Dani--these look interesting--and odd.

    I have the SUMMER blues---though I'm glad it's finally time to do some gardening, the warm weather also brings hordes of tourists and vacationers......all toting noisy dirt bikes , 4 wheelers, sand buggies, the list goes on. I miss my quiet so much................

    1. Sue - They are almost futuristic, aren;t they? I prefer the appearance of the graceful looking VAWT's, But, harm to birds is also very importance, and providing they can get these to perform, then, what the heck :)

      Oh, I feel for you - that must be so invasive.

  2. Looks like an alien landscape, but I like them, and if they are better for birds all the better.

    1. Chickpea - I agree - very alien. Somehow, though, the slow majestic sweep of the wind turbine blades makes you "think" they are producing power. I wouldn't think that if I saw a field of these... :")

  3. They look good, whether people will allow them locally without all of the protest that seems to go on, who knows? I mean, wake up, we all use power, at least lets make it green.

    1. Kirsty - Couldn't agree with you more :) Maybe they could also double up as cell phone masts, instead of the fake palm trees lol


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