
Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Free indoor games for winter

Do you like doing jigsaws?

Or are you looking for something to amuse the young'uns that is not going to cost you anything, and will / should keep them occupied for hours?

Or even a mother- or father-in-law... :)

Or a child sick in bed?

Did you know that you can fulfil your jigsaw urge without the necessity of the game having required the chopping down a single tree to make paper / cardboard, or by using 1ml of glue or printing ink?

And, an added bonus is that there are definitely no missing pieces lol

Almost 6 minutes into the jigsaw I have most of
the edges ;)
I chose to complete a winter scene - to try and cool down the temperatures we are currently wilting through...

There is something addictive (and very satisfying) when the sound of the correct pieces click together.

And, it didn't help cool anything down.

49 minutes later...

 Ah - the completed jigsaw.  If only it looked like that outside... :)

If you feel like whiling away some time, please click on the link below the above screen print photo.  There are plenty of free jigsaws on that site for all ages - from 4 pieces to 300+ pieces.

Something for everyone... :)

Update: the link from Jayne in her comment below:


  1. I love jigsaw puzzles. I used to do them with my kids when they were young. My daughter and granddaughter still have one going most of the time. Years ago I would find the hardest one I could for my brother-in-law, for Christmas. One year I found one that was all marbles, and another year the puzzle was a solid blue. He called me a naughty name that year!

    1. Vicki - Bwahahaha - I bet your brother taught you a naughty name...

  2. What a great idea thanks for sharing that. Although I never have time for jigsaws but I know some friends who do.


    1. Jean - Glad to have been of some small service :)

  3. My wife likes jigsaw puzzles. I will bet she like this set up, I'll show it to her.

    1. Harry - I hope she can find something she likes on the site - otherwise perhaps check out Jayne's comment below.

  4. Thanks. I linked to there from here, started one, spent 20 minutes doing it, then started another, finished that and now started a more complicated one. What a great website!! Love it and to be honest, I was never a bit puzzle fan but I'm loving doing them online. Who knew? Ha.!!!

    1. 1st Man - They can be addictive. Don't you love the "click" sound that's created when you get the right piece next to another... :)

  5. Dani, I have always loved doing jigsaws puzzles and was convinced that they could never be replaced by an electronic version.

    A couple of years back I found (no affiliation, bla bla). I originally got it as a free download from the Apple Store and it comes with loads of puzzles, varying difficulty. Very quickly I purchased the full App which was ludicrously cheap - about £2, so that I could make my own puzzles, select number of pieces etc., and haven't touched a 'real' jigsaw since. Can't recommend it highly enough :}

    1. Jayne - Thank you for the other link.

      I've just found the site I mentioned - jigsaws are brilliant when you need a brief mental break... ;) I'll check out yours :)

  6. I used to love doing jigsaws but it fell by the wayside when I realized my butt had a tendency to go numb, which means I was pretty much numb all over. lol


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