A chronicle of our family's transition to an off-grid, more self-sufficient and eco-friendlier lifestyle, sharing, wherever possible, helpful links and ideas, in order to ease anyone else's journey along this path
I wanted to send you this URL. The writer is a young woman who is big into spinning, which might or might not be the same as weaving but it sounds the same. So I thought you might like to see her blog.
She doesn't post much but she is really nice. She is a country girl, about my own sons age.
Thank you for taking the time to comment - it makes my day and removes the "loneliness' of sitting at my screen blogging supposedly to myself ;) I try and reply as quickly as possible so please forgive me if sometimes my response is delayed.
I wanted to send you this URL. The writer is a young woman who is big into spinning, which might or might not be the same as weaving but it sounds the same. So I thought you might like to see her blog.
She doesn't post much but she is really nice. She is a country girl, about my own sons age.
Thanks Harry - I'll check it out :)