
Saturday, 17 May 2014

Dinner for two

How can there be anything nicer than harvesting home grown vegetables and having them for dinner?

Unlike those in the northern hemisphere, I am so fortunate to be able to harvest vegetables this late in the season.
On the chopping mat - clockwide from the top:
Red chillies, pepperdews, red capsicum,
 purple beans, yellow capsicum.
spinach & cabbage (in the bowl) 
and chopped onions (not shown):)
All home grown.
And they were just what I needed for a chicken stir-fry.  All I had to buy was the chicken, and the rice.

Tonight is baked fish (in the Rosie) with fresh rolls, homemade tartare sauce, home-grown aubergine two ways (with tomato & grated cheese, and the other with mayo and parmesan cheese [thanks for the recipe 1st Man :)]  ) on the side.


  1. OK. Now I'm drooling! That was the best thing I remember about having a garden. Fresh veggies!

    1. Vicki - There is absolutely nothing to beat being able to harvest your own veggies, never mind cook with them whilst they're still fresh :)

  2. Dani - your veggies are beautiful! it is a really wonderful feeling to be able to eat from our gardens. it's good for us, good for the earth and just good practice! i wish you had have taken pics of the finished meals...i loooove seeing pics of food!

    your friend,

    1. kymber - I'll remember to take "after" pics for you for next time :)

      The fruit and veggies available in the local shops is not always that appealing - I reckon they have spent too long acquiring "food miles"...

  3. Just beautiful--so colorful and vibrant. I bet that was so good.

    1. Sue - T'was delicious. I love being able to have such a range of colours in a meal - that always makes it seem more appealing and appetising, doesn't it :)

  4. Your veggies look so colourful and full of vitality. Nothing better than a plate full of lovely colourful fresh food straight from the garden :)

    1. Dreamer - lol they look healthy so they must do us good, not so?

  5. GORGEOUS food ! A job well done ! Thanks for sharing the pictures. I hope my garden grown food looks as good.

    1. Jane - Thanks.

      I am helped through the end of winter by seeing home grown produce on everyones blogs. Can't wait... :)

  6. That looks very good. Too bad you and Kymber from Framboise Manor blog don't live close to each other, she posts lots of good food photos. You two could collaborate!

    1. Harry - My basic Kodak does not photograph food well - or is it my fault?

      kymber is a master (or should that be mistress) foodie photographer :)

  7. You know we eat with our eyes first and those veggies were definitely a looker!! Delicious!!

    1. 1st Man - Thanks. Can't wait to see your 1st veggie patch thriving and harvest pics - trust me, it's addictive... ;)

  8. Congratulations on your harvest. The colors are very appealing and I bet it tasted great.

    1. MsBelinda - Was very yummy - thanks :)

  9. Hey Dani that is a real haul! Our veg beds are not doing well at all :( the foxes, cats and deer have it in for us...

    It makes me smile when all the food on our dinner plate comes from the garden bar one ingredient. you are right it is addictive and you start to grow weird veg just to see if you can. asparagus peas (winged peas), I will never grow again. a real waste of space for us. you live and learn.

    Have you added cucumber to stir fry before? if you take the seeds out it is really tasty

    1. Sol - I'm amazed that my garden is still producing "summer" veggies...

      No, water is an issue here, so I grow only what we eat - not fancy veggies.

      Cucumber and green pepper - can't eat 'em - they constantly repeat on me or give me hiccups lol

  10. I agree. There are few things better than a meal from the garden.
    We had a stir-fry from the garden tonight too, but it's too early for peppers here. Ours featured Asian greens from the garden (komatsuna, baby bok choy, tatsoi).
    I'm looking forward to having our summer veggies soon.

    1. Bill - Do you know I've never eaten bok choy, tatsoi nor komatsuna LOL

  11. Luscious! Just thinking about eating from my garden makes my mouth water :)


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