
Thursday, 3 April 2014

Simple tomato supper

At the end of a long, hot, productive day in the garden, a simple but tasty and nutritious meal is called for.

As long as it has meat of some kind RMan is happy.  So he had bacon rashers added to his plate.
Yummy heirloom tomatoes - so much more
substantial than the commercial varieties
which are so widely available
Then, with my bountiful garden produce I made the following dinner.

All it took was the following :

1 tablespoon of olive oil
1 garlic clove, chopped
1/2 teaspoon crushed dried coriander seeds
2 - 3 "large" whole tomatoes (skin, seeds and all - finely chopped)
1 teaspoon caster sugar
4 eggs (I scored half a dozen completely free range eggs from a generous neighbour :)  )
handful of fresh basil leaves
1 red chilli (deseeded and finely chopped) Optional
grated cheese Optional
100% free range eggs poached in a homemade
tomato sauce
Heat the oil in a frying pan that has a lid, then soften the chopped onions, garlic, crushed coriander seeds, and chilli (if using) for 5 minutes until soft. Stir in the tomatoes and sugar, then bubble for 8-10 mins until thick (at this stage the the mixture can be cooled, and then frozen for a couple fo months).

Using the back of a large spoon, make 4 "holes" in the sauce, then crack an egg into each one. Put a lid on the pan and cook over a low heat for 4 - 5 minutes, until the eggs are done to your liking. If your adding grated cheese, sprinkle it over the top now, scatter with the sweet basil leaves and serve with a fresh baked crusty breadloaf or rolls.

Yum :)

Minimal cooking and cost and maximum goodness :)


  1. Bacon is not my thing but it sure does sound yummy and looks yummalishous

    1. African Bliss - Not my thing either - can't even stomach cooking the stuff! LOL

  2. Oh my goodness-I can't imagine life without bacon! And the tomatoes look so so so good. I'm envious! We're still drowning in snow..........

    1. Sue - You and RMan :) You STILL have snow....????? Hectic!

  3. That looks and sounds delicious, Dani! A gardener in town used to sell heirloom veggies at a roadside table, and she had to put up a sign identifying all the different tomatoes, as there were so many and each looked unusual enough that it was impossible to even tell if they were ripe! Adventures in eating! I always enjoyed shopping there, but last year she never put out her table...don't know why. Fingers crossed for this year, just in case there are any gardening malfunctions Chez Comptonia ;)

    1. Quinn - I find that Heirloom tomatoes are far more "meaty" than commercially grown ones. Have you ever thought of saving a couple of the seeds, allowing them to "ferment", drying them and then planting your own next year...?

  4. Dani - i can only offer one word - yummeh! yummy! yummolicious! delish! devine! divine! delicious! scrumptious! absolutely fantastic! sure wish i could get me some!

    yep, i'm known around these here parts as "one-word kymber' - bahahahahah! your friend,

    1. kymber - , giggle, snort, chortle, LOL

      It's so easy to make - and so delicious ;)

      Hoping your snow melts soon so that you can get busy.

  5. Your tomatoes look absolutely beautiful! :) Greetings from Queensland Australia. Harry sent me :)

    1. Tanya - Welcome, and thanks for hitting the followers button :)

      Queensland - always amazes me how blogging has introduced me to so many people from so many different locations around the planet :)

      Thanks Harry - I've found Tanya's blog too LOL

  6. Thanks Dani, your blog is always an inspiration to us all - your heirlooms look divine! I don't have success with them here - too humid I think... I'll plant my next batch in Rietkuil next spring!

    1. Rogan - Wait - tomatoes grow hectically and I have to come up with all sorts of ways of preserving them so they don't go to waste - waste not, want not... ;)


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