
Saturday, 8 March 2014

For all homesteaders in the making

If anyone would like a chance to win a book on homesteading, please won't you head over to Leigh's blog, 5 Acres & A Dream.

Reading the reviews on Amazon it appears to be a must-have book, giving Leigh and Dan's nuts and bolts account of their path towards self-sufficiency on their 5 Acre homestead - along with hints and tips and alternatives, and recipes.

I have been following Leigh's blog for a number of years, and her stamina and knowledge is amazing.  She also spins and weaves - one of those hobbies I hope to attempt and master in the not too distant future so that I can process all the alpaca's fleece we gain at shearing time - especially as we will be gaining 50% more since the birth of Miranda's cria last Monday LOL

Amazon has the following summary of her book:

"What does it take to become a successful homesteader?
Based on her popular homesteading blog, 5 Acres & A Dream, Leigh Tate shares how she and her husband Dan are facing the challenges of trying to establish a self-sufficient homestead; from defining their dream, finding property, and setting priorities, to obstacles and difficult times, to learning how to work smarter, not harder. She shares what they've learned about energy self-sufficiency, water self-sufficiency, and food self-sufficiency for themselves and their goats and chickens too. Included are copies of their homestead master plan plus revisions, homegrown vitamins and minerals for goats, and several of Leigh's favorite homestead recipes."

Please - support a fellow blogger and pop over and take a peek at her blog :)


  1. Sounds interesting. I'll take a look see.

    1. I think you'll enjoy her blog Harry :)

  2. Replies
    1. Leigh - You're welcome. And, by the wat, this was not an entry to your giveaway - rather let someone starting out get the help ;)


Thank you for taking the time to comment - it makes my day and removes the "loneliness' of sitting at my screen blogging supposedly to myself ;) I try and reply as quickly as possible so please forgive me if sometimes my response is delayed.