
Tuesday, 14 January 2014

"Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy..."

I found this link on a blog last year - sorry, I was so enthralled, that I forgot to make a note which blog is was.  But, how cool is this site:

But, with our solar panels / solar power in mind, I took a reading of the sun rays then, and thought I'd do another reading today.
23 September 2013
What a difference a couple of months makes!
14 January 2014
The sun rises 1 3/4 hours earlier, and sets and sets 23 minutes later.  So, we're gaining roughly 2 1/4 hours more sun - and more direct sun - in summer than in winter.

You can also see exactly why they recommend facing PV panels due north in the Southern Hemisphere and due south in the Northern hemisphere.  Facing them due north allows for more of the sun's rays to hit the solar panels during the shorter, colder winter months.  And, strangely enough, the rays are more centered on the PV panerls during winter - during summer they rise and set "behind" the panels.

For those in the northern hemisphere, hit the link and check out the difference between now (mid-winter) and a few months time (mid-summer) where you live :)

Update: the blog where I was first introduced to sunearthtools is


  1. Have you ever heard of Cody Lundin? He's a survivalist who lives in Arizona. He is very much into passive solar heating and other related things. Lundin is the fellow who costarred on "Dual Survival". He's written two books, both of which were pretty good. I don't know if they have them in South Africa, though.

    1. Harry - No, I haven' heard of him. But, thanks, I'm gong to check him out now... :)

  2. Me! It was me, Dani! :)
    I was using it again just last week, and it is such a powerful and useful tool. And the price is certainly right ;)

    1. Quinn - I'm so glad you reminded me. I have updated my post :)

      Oh, yes, the price is perfect :)

  3. been super busy this week. trying to catch up on my blogs.thought I would say Hi! the rat

    1. Mohave Rat - Hi - how are you?? Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.

  4. Dani, thank you! That is so cool and very useful I think.

    1. Leigh - You're very welcome. Glad to be of service :)


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