
Thursday, 23 January 2014

A different type of recycling

With all the stress and hassle of selling and packing up our home in Cape Town, the subsequent move to our bucolic smallholding, enduring the messy building process, unpacking and setting up our new home, whilst all the while continuing with our business commitments long distance, personal care has been on the back burner.

For over 3 years.

But this week I finally took the plunge.
This was the length of my hair
in August 2013
The photo above is what I looked like in August 2013 - with my hair is just below armpit level LOL

This week it was 4 inches longer. And it took only 3 years to grow it to this length.
This is the length of it after my
hairdressing session this week
This is what I look like now.  Short hair is definitely cooler and easier to manage in the heat we're currently experiencing.

Plaited and ready to be recycled
That haircut left me with an almost 27 - 28cms plait.

Seeing as this is the almost the longest that I have grown my hair, and considering the amount of grey that is creeping into it (especially in the front), I can't see myself allowing my hair to grow that long again.  An "older" woman can no longer be a "young thing" and should accept her ageing status gracefully LOL

So - with a special purpose in mind - I made a decision prior to having my hair cut to ask the hairdresser, after washing it, to plait it, securely fix it with an elastic band either side, so that I could "recycle" it by donating it to the Marie Claire Kindest Cut Campaign

I'm thrilled to be in a position to be able to make a difference to a young (or old) cancer sufferer.  We can all make a difference to someone or something else, and even to this planet.  We just have to care enough to share - whatever and whenever we can.

My 2nd "father" who gave me away at my wedding to RMan, my elderly grandmother, my teenage cousin, as well as the daughter of a very close friend, all had cancer.  In their honour and memories I wish to say to all those who have been diagnosed with cancer, please, know that you are still beautiful, and loved. And, know that nobody will ever judge you just because your hair has suffered the effects of chemotherapy.
Can you see how many thousands
of individual hairs are in that plait?
Who needs counting sheep in order
to fall asleep - rather try counting
the hairs in a freshly cut plait of
hair instead LOL
I so truly admire anyone who has the patience and energy to insert even a fraction of that plait into a wig.  What a time consuming, laborious task.

And yet, ultimately, how incredibly rewarding that task must be...


  1. What a lovely thing to do Dani.

    1. DFW - Whatever I can share I will do so :) And this is such a worthy cause!

  2. You are very kind and thoughtful. Your hair was beautiful then and is and will be beautiful now.
    Love from Mum

    1. Mum - I am definitely a follower of the "do unto others".

      Yeah, I'm very happy with my shorter style :)

  3. my great-niece had her shoulder-length hair caught in a pony-tail and chopped for a cancer wig. Wonderful idea and good to see it supported by many people.

    1. Diana - If only the human race could amass in their multitudes for the good of this planet - imagine what could be achieved!!

  4. That's really thoughtful and will make a difference to someone who is in need of a real boost of self esteem. Small acts of kindness like this by one individual can make a big difference.:)

    1. dreamer - Uplifting someone with something I no longer need is exactly my motivation :)

  5. I lost my son to cancer. I can't think of anyone who has not been touched by it. thanks for sharing and caring. the rat

    1. mohave rat - My condolences - it is not easy, I know.

  6. NNNNNOOOOOOHHHHH! Your beautiful long hair! I bet your husband stoked out. He wouldn't tell you, but I bet he did.

    I mean, you still look nice but your long hair was amazing! My wife used to have long hair down to the small of her back, but when she got to be about 55 she went to a shorter hairstyle for the same good reasons you did. I still pout about it when it crosses my mind!

    1. Harry - Nah, RMan is OK with it - says shorter hair makes me look younger LOL And, trust me, I need all the help I can get in that department...

      55 - I remember that age well LOL

  7. Hi dani! I haven't had time to visit for a while. What a lovely thing to do! I just sponsored one of Belle's young friends to donate her hair last week! Do you know, I hadn't realised until this post but you never put photos of yourself on your blog! More photos please!!

    1. Linda - Oh, that's wonderful to hear - getting the young involved gives them a lifetime of awareness.

      Ahem - I'm normally the one behind the camera LOL

  8. I liked your hair long Dani, but I think you look lovely and youthful with it short as well. It's a lovely thing to do. Fondly,

    1. Jane - Thanks. The way my hair grows, it'll be more than long enough to keep my neck warm this coming winter... ;)

  9. Great work! My wife did this as well Grew her hair for the wedding and then cut it when we went travelling. Well done!

    1. Sprig - Oh, excellent! Well done, Sprig Wife :)

  10. Who cares if there's silver in their hair when there's pure gold in their heart.

    1. lotta joy - Oh, thank you for that sweet comment - but I'm only trying to do my bit in whatever way I can.


Thank you for taking the time to comment - it makes my day and removes the "loneliness' of sitting at my screen blogging supposedly to myself ;) I try and reply as quickly as possible so please forgive me if sometimes my response is delayed.