
Sunday, 20 October 2013


I know, I know - I've been MIA again.  Between helping the Alpaca's settle in and trying to satisfy our SARS (local IRS) requirements, things have been a tad hectic here lately.

But, I have gained another three followers - lost 2 and gained 3 LOL

So, a big welcome to Fracas Farm - from NE Ohio.

This is how they (he / she?) describe themselves on their blog,

"We are Fracas Farm. We have a little 2acres in NE Ohio, where we raise chickens for meat and eggs, turkeys, a pig or two, and bee hives. We try to grow most of our food, organically as possible although we are not certified. We love to eat real, good food. I stress the good part."

Secondy, wecome to Ange from the midlands of Kwazulu-Natal - I think...?

"Our life, family and homestead... All under South African skies"

The link I found for Ange's blog was but if I cick on it now, the blog is not found.  Perhaps Ange deleted it???  The facebook link works though...

Ange describes herself as follows:

"My whole being is my family, a brilliant man I adore he is my beginning my end and everything in between he is the one... the one i draw strength from and 3 beautiful boys who make every minute every second worthwhile!"

And, lastly, wecome to Nina - from somewhere...
Nina does not appear to have a blog, and her profile doesn't state where she is, but I have a feeling it is from somewhere in southern USA :)

Welcome and thank you all for hitting the "followers" button.  I always reply to comments, but sometimes it takes a little longer than other times.


  1. I hope things are going along smoothly with the Alpacas and life in general. Nobody can accuse you of not staying busy over there, seems like you always have some project you're working on. I need to get motivated and do some things around this place, you make me feel guilty.

    1. Harry - Have to keep busy - the Devil finds work for idle hands LOL

      Seriously, having made our lifestyle change at a later than normal stage in life, there is so much to do, and leaving it for another day only compounds the work load. I am firmly of the opinion, if there is something that needs to be done, and there is time, and opportunity, to do it today, why wait...?

    2. Leigh - I DON'T do stress...! ;)


Thank you for taking the time to comment - it makes my day and removes the "loneliness' of sitting at my screen blogging supposedly to myself ;) I try and reply as quickly as possible so please forgive me if sometimes my response is delayed.