
Monday, 25 March 2013

Blogger photo problems

Just a quick posting to do some research.

Is anyone else having problems viewing photo's on other peoples blogs, as well as when posting on your own?

Like this:
This should be a screen
capture of my blog, but
even this is not being
displayed correctly - at
least not for me
Please let me know if all you see is a small icon, or whether you see the screen capture, and whether you can see pics on my blog.

I am currently in correspondence with a few people on Blogger Forum, and would like to let them know if anyone else is experiencing this problem too.

Please could you also let me know what operating system you use to view / write your blog entries via and whether you are using a Windows, Apple, etc. based system.

Thanks :)


  1. I see all the pictures.
    I used to sometimes get the icon only, not on yours and still do sometimes but mainly on forums where I think I need to be signed in. Good luck with fixing it.


  2. I see your screen capture. I use Windows, Firefox, and for writing my blog posts, Window's Live Writer.

    I hope you get the problem figured out soon so that you can comfortably blog once again.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  3. I'm seeing the screen capture and other photos in your blog. I'm on a Mac, using Safari to view if that helps.

    Hope you get it sorted.

  4. I had problems at one time with blogger .. I'd post a picture and it would not show up on my blog .. so I'd post it again .. and again .. when I'd view it from my phone, there would be three pictures. Somehow when I switched to 'bing' instead of firefox .. it started working correctly .. now I am able to use firefox again? Could be a plug-in that needs to be updated on your computer.

  5. Thanks to you all for your input. Seems my and other blog photo's are back today...

    And welcome aportugueseadventure :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment - it makes my day and removes the "loneliness' of sitting at my screen blogging supposedly to myself ;) I try and reply as quickly as possible so please forgive me if sometimes my response is delayed.