
Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Now I understand

I have fracked racked my brain as to why fracking could be considered as a method to obtain a source of energy in South Africa?  Why our government would possibly endanger the immense historical archaeological wealth of the Karoo?  Why would they willingly want to pollute our precious ground water?  Why they would even consider wasting our dwindling potable water?  Why they would want to further damage the Earth's mantle?

Have they learnt no lessons from the acid mine water which is currently flooding the Gauteng area?

ALL is finally revealed.

Please - if you haven't signed the two anti-fracking petitions on the right hand side of my blog, won't you do so now?
Can we look forward to this change of
scenery in the Karoo?  The power to
prevent it is in your hands...
Out of possible 50+ million South African's, and 7+ billion people worldwide, only 16 338 and 3 020 respectively have signed either petition.

Fracking is NOT and CANNOT be an option in this country.

Neither as a means of polluting our precious ground water, destroying priceless historical data and fossils, nor as a conniving source of income for the main political party.

It is NOT an option.

Full stop.


  1. I think that people need to realize that when they buy propane, butane, methane, and well as several other 'natural' gases they are supporting fracking. That is where it comes from. As long as we are buying it, they will do what they need to sell it to us. They are even pushing 'natural gas' vehicles in my area so we have even more dependance on it. We have to just say no, even if it is uncomfortable.

    1. I (yet) haven't heard of natural gas powered vehicles here, no doubt they'll be rearing their heads shortly though.

      Exactly, humans have got to get out of their comfort zone in order to make a difference...

  2. So sorry! All my visits here and I haven't yet signed it! I''m on my son's iPad at the moment and the link hasn't downloaded properly so I WILL be signing tomorrow. Thanks for getting on my case. ; )

    1. Bless you Linda - really appreciate it :)

  3. I saw the petition, but I didn't sign it because I didn't know what fracking was. Now I know (thanks to Google) and I gladly will sign your petition. SA is a beautiful country and it has to stay that way. There is already too much destroyed and polluted all in the name of money. Here in the Netherlands they drill for gas in the Noordzee. Since then we have had several earthquakes, last year a big one (4.5) for Dutch standards that is. Sorry for my poor English ;).

    1. Little eco footprint - Thank you for signing. The more people who record their abhorrence of fracking, hopefully the more the authorities take notice - and CHANGE their minds.

      And, please don't apologize for your English - it is 100% better than my Dutch :)

  4. The same thing is going on here in PA. It's dismal. Sorry to hear your facing the same thing there.

    1. Jody - It seems, to me, that the oil companies are the one's in power on this planet - not the governments!

  5. Disgusting. But doesn't it always boil down to money and profits. I didn't sign because I wasn't sure if I had to be a SA citizen or not. I will though.

    1. Leigh - Thank you - and bless you :)

  6. This is the issue being discussed here in Ireland too. The planned fracking is fore one of our most scenic areas. It is a very worrying issue.

    1. MoaT - As long as greed rules the world, I fear that Mother Earth has little hope. But, if we all take a stand, we CAN make a difference!


Thank you for taking the time to comment - it makes my day and removes the "loneliness' of sitting at my screen blogging supposedly to myself ;) I try and reply as quickly as possible so please forgive me if sometimes my response is delayed.