
Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Eco friendly washing

It was a beautiful wedding and our daughter looked absolutely breathtakingly exquisite!  The love which was evident between DD and WGuy, and warmth, happiness and enjoyment that was shared by all, was absolutely wonderful to be part of.  A truly memorable day!  MKid was beside himself with excitement and said that he's "luckier than other kids 'cos he got to be part of the wedding, not an arrival after the event" :)

Whilst we were in Johannesburg for DD and WGuys wedding RMan, MKid and I nipped past a large shopping centre in the neighbourhood - our local village shop doesn't stock the type of item I was looking for.
It is an Icon (or Biowash) washing ball.  Safe for use with all fabrics, eco-friendly, chemical free and it eliminates germs and bacteria whilst reducing the risk of allergic reactions due to the use of chemical detergents.

It works via "friction on the Cermatech beads which causes the Ph level of the water to rise - effortlessly unlocking dirt and grime from any fabric….quickly and effectively". 

All you do is pop it in your machine instead of washing powder and the little ceramic balls inside do all the work.  It's just what I need for the laundry on the farm, as it will produce water which will not be harmful for the biological and ecological composition in our grey water reed bed. 
Prior to using it for the first time, one has to "flush out" the washing machine to remove any trace of remaining soap suds by adding a cup of vinegar and allowing the empty machine to run through two full "hot" cycles.  Finally, rinse out the machine and it's ready to use with your washing ball.

Any heavy stains should be pre-treated prior to placing your washing in the machine.

It can also be used with a commercial fabric softener, or with using vinegar as your softener.

After the washing cycle is finished the ball must be removed and allowed to dry (naturally) before using it again.  It should last for up to 1000 washes - a good couple of years - using it two or three times a week.

I still have a couple of loads of washing powder left which I need to use up before I can use the washing ball.  I will therefore, as always, report back on the effectiveness of the washing ball once I have had a chance to access it's performance.

Yay - I DO NOT do handwashing - not on a general laundry scale!  My electric washing machine is definitely coming with us.  Now I can use it with a clear conscience :)


  1. I never saw such a thing. I will be curious if it works. Not that I can use it, but I am always curious about product claims.

    1. Jane - Just wish that the washing machine that you have was available here... I'd use that in a flash :)

  2. Would love to hear how well this washing ball works. I make my own washing detergent, but if we could eliminate detergent all together that would be much better.

    1. Crystal - Exactly my thoughts - I will let you all know :)

  3. Can't wait to hear the results of your experiment!

    1. Quinn - Will let you know - please give me a couple of weeks...

  4. That's fascinating! I've never seen this before (and it's one of the 'as seen on tv' items, and I watch tv, ha.)

    Let us know how it works.

    1. 1st Man - Perhaps it's only as seen on (South African) TV :)

  5. I have seen these and always wondered if they were a gimmick. One draw back for me is that since they need to dry out between washes I would need at least 3 - BIG family! Look forward to your report back.

    1. GG - I, too, have wondered if it is a gimmick. But I'd like to not put commercial washing powder into my grey water reed bed, so I'm going to try it out. The price has dropped to R49 / unit - so it's not a major expense :)

  6. I've heard of soap-nuts but nothing like this! Love the idea though and will definitely hunt around for one myself.

    1. Tanya - I think soap nuts are completely different, and they create a soap suds too? this will not - it is purely through the action of the increased ph that the dirt is loosened - or so I believe :)

  7. I have been using this specific make for a year now. It works wonderfully. I only use home made detergent on my husband's clothes as it is always full of grease and dirt, but for my stuff and the kid's stuff it works great.

    1. Lynette - Thanks very much - very good to know :)

  8. Oh, my God! I just found your blog and am SO glad I did.

    I need one of these balls. I don't know if we sell them in the states (we like to be as behind the times as humanly possible) so the internet may be the ticket...

    So cool!

    1. Lindsey - Welcome and thank you :)

      Trust me, the US of A is NOT behind the times - at least NOT in comparison with SA!!!

      Check out this link for the washing balls :)

  9. We're keeping an eye on this one. Please do tell us how well it does.

  10. I'm interested in seeing how these balls work too. I don't have a hot water connection to my washing machine though. We do have solar heated water for showering, probably not enough to take care of the machine.

    I use a 'solar dryer' for my laundry, clotheslines. I love the smell of line dried laundry.

    Do keep us posted. Are you going to be strictly solar powered?


    1. Flower Lady - I will report back on the ball once I have finalised my findings.

      The ONLY way to dry washing is on the line LOL Yes, we are ONLY going to use solar power :)

  11. I have been using the wash ball for many years. My younger brother is allergic to chemicals and synthetic so that was a good buy it washes very well , I put a cup of vinegar in as the stay sof


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