
Tuesday, 13 March 2012

New life

We had a wonderful surprise when we arrived at the farm last Friday.  Certainly the surprise made MKid's day :)  Who am I kidding - it made all of our day :)

There is something infinitely precious about seeing a child holding a new born animal for the first time.  In this instance, CGuy's chickens have been sitting on their eggs - the one hen had produced 7 chicks the day before - and one was actually breaking through the shell as we watched.
MKid holding his first ever baby chicken
Gently, gently - this rough-and-tumble little guy knew exactly how to hold this fragile, tender baby chick.

Even DD had a go...
DD had also never seen a newly hatched chicken
before either
I reckon that MKid could've sat there for hours, just holding and watching the baby chick.
The lap was the best place to hold the baby
chick - warm, secure and perfect viewing
distance from the eyes
The hassle to be born is, I reckon, comparable to that of a human baby - with the chick having to peck at the shell from the confined space inside.  Apparently they peck upwards - I would've thought that pecking down would be easier.

It was quite a windy day, so Mama Hen was protecting her chicks in a corner of an outside room, sheltering them from the wind.
Proud Mama Hen still covering unborn chicks,
as well as one which was still damp from the shell.
The others - well, they just wanted to investigate :)
Isn't it strange - when one sees new life like this, does anyone else wonder how come there is so much strife in the world today, or was that only my reaction?

CGuy will have a sale of four chicks in the future - once we have our coop sorted :)


  1. Replies
    1. Jess - Welcome :) They are even more adorable in person LOL

  2. Adorable. Isn't the world amazing?

  3. We love it when we have chickens, ducklings etc., but it has been a while. Though I must say this post makes me clucky! ;)

    1. Linda - LOL - don't you mean broody ;)

  4. Lovely chicky wickies. I think one of our bantams is broody - she keeps going AWOL and is spending the night out and about somewhere tonight. I'd love her to have some chicks but would quite like to locate her and her nest and bring her inside away from the foxes...

    1. CC - You obviously have a loose woman there - my, my - who knew chickens liked to walk the streets / fields :)

  5. Lovely! Wait until they are older and Mkid sees them 'playing' by jumping on Mum's back and flapping their little wings as they run. Hoping you don't have too many aerial predators.

    1. Robyn - Can't wait! It's not just the aerial predators I'd be worried about - snakes and mongeese too...!

  6. What a great feel good post.

    Like yourself I too wonder why there is so much turmoil in the world and then oblivious to it all a new life comes into the world.

    1. MsBelinda - Perhaps the message is that we should all revert to simpler - in everything. Reckon it would take a lot of the greed, hurry, stress and ill-humour away?!

  7. Just beautiful.
    Love from Mum

    1. Mum - They are exquisite examples of purity, simpleness and vulnerability of life on this planet :)

  8. How much fun is that! It's a wonderful thing to see the way children love baby chicks. Thanks for sharing


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