
Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Face of Nature

This past weekend we had our 6th day of show (open) house.  Oh, it is so tedious.  So invasive.  So exhausting.

And so disheartening.  We knew that trying to sell our house during a recession would be tough, but, oh...  We just want to get to the farm...

Anyway, in our ongoing quest to make our home more attractive, we decided that the pond which RMan and RSon designed and built 6-odd years ago, and which had housed koi fish until they grew too big, and the blanket weed took over, needed re-instating again.

Last year we gave away the koi and RMan decided that he wanted to plant some greenery in the resulting "empty space".  With that in mind he cored 7 ruddy great holes in the bottom of the pond, for drainage.  We never did get to fill the pond with soil nor plant it up.

And the discarded pond sat like a neglected blight on the landscape.  So, last week we filled the holes in again, re-sealed the base and sides, filled it with water, and - we have a water feature again :)
Our home-made water feature
The trickle of the water is such a relaxing sound, and without the necessity of having to feed, and care for, the koi, far more of a pleasure.  I purchased a water poppy from our local plant nursery, and within 24 hours it had a flower.  
Five new water poppy flowers
Today, 48 hours later, it has 5 more flowers!  I guess it's happy there :)

Delicate and gorgeous in it's simplicity
My favourite rock sits on the far end of the pond - it is my wise old man.  Can you see his face?  Sort of squashed, but definitely two eyes, a nose and a squiggly smiling mouth.
The wise old man of the corner :)
Have you ever seen the faces which have been carved by the elements on mountainsides?  They always face the setting sun :)

There are so many things in nature which watch over us, from the smallest bees and butterflies which buzz around each tiny flower in every field, to the enormous clouds which hover above in the sky, just waiting for the right moment to release their life-sustaining liquid.  And, of course, the Man Upstairs is our greatest care taker.

It feels so right to have our water feature back.


  1. I'm sure the improvements to the water feature will be a selling item. It's soothing to listen to water .. what a nice remodeling job. I remember how hard it is to keep the house looking tidy with curb appeal .. I know you must have lots of patience (but it must be wearing thin).

    1. Mrs Mac - Never mind the show days, it's also a mad panic every time the agent calls and says "I'll be there in 1/2 hour with a new client". And all those new clients are looking for ruddy bargains in this buyers market!

      Yes, I am VERY weary of spring cleaning every week prior to show days.

  2. May you soon find a buyer for your home.

    1. Ms Belinda - From your fingertips to the Man Upstairs :)

  3. It's one of the hardest things about selling a home--the daily invasion of people. Good luck to you!

    1. Sue - It's terrible! Thank you for the wishes :)

  4. Selling a home in South Africa is a much bigger burden than in Australia as the open house events go on for such a long time. I was very surprised when I came back to Australia and open homes here are only 45 mins! But either way, what a hassle, especially if you have a better place to be! Hang in there Dani, and the water feature looks wonderful

    1. EB - Yeah - the house is on show from 3 - 5 pm. Not long enough to do anything.

      Thanks - I'm trying to hang in... And thanks for the comment on the pond :)

  5. Dani, How frustrating! I know when I decide to make a change in my life I always want it to happen yesterday. Kick back and enjoy your water feature while you wait. As for the Wise Old Man - Maybe I can see a misshapen bottom, or possibly an animal with big teeth.............. Lol

    1. Linda - You and me both. It's got to happen now - I have spent so much of my life being patient. If that is what I was put on this planet for, then I reckon I've passed the test LOL But I'm weary of being patient - life is running out...

      I hope the Wise Old Man helps ;)

  6. What a nice little oasis in the backyard. I am sure the right person is just around the corner and ready to buy :)

    1. Jane - Thanks - yes, it is a lovely tranquil spot. And again, from your fingertips to the Man Upstairs. All it will take is one buyer... :)

  7. Oh I pray your home sells. It is tough in the current economy, but not totally without hope. I can tell that this lovely feature will bring joy to someone. I pray they show up as soon as possible!!


    1. Jennifer - Thank you - for your comments and prayers. I'm sure they will help :) Thanks

  8. A very restful area me thinks. Beautiful. I hope things start to move for you re the sale of your house.

    1. Kate - It is very restful. Thank you - I hope so too :)

  9. I always see things that look like faces (boy that's sounds crazy, ok, I don't see it in EVERYTHING, LOL), but I've always said the same thing, it's like nature watching over us. LOVE the pond too, if I was shopping properties, I'd love seeing that! I hope that helps you sell!!

    1. 1st Man - Rock / mountain faces are everywhere LOL. Thanks - I'm proud of what RMan and RSon made too :)

  10. Don't feel disheartened... My mother-in-law had to wait over a year for her house in Jo-burg to sell but it eventually went and at a decent price as well. It's just patience with this crapola market...

    1. Tanya - Life is chaotic here. Sorry I haven't answered your comment before now.

      Yeah - we've been on the market since August last year. Patience - I've got a lot of that. But, all the spring cleaning, and this wait is wearing me a tad thin...

      Did your MIL move overseas to be near / with you?


Thank you for taking the time to comment - it makes my day and removes the "loneliness' of sitting at my screen blogging supposedly to myself ;) I try and reply as quickly as possible so please forgive me if sometimes my response is delayed.