
Saturday, 31 December 2011

Happy, Happy...

I'm going to try and post this, but with numerous laptop blue screens, and my dicey, s-o-o-o-o slow, internet connection this may or may not happen...

So much to tell you / share,  but it will have to wait until we return to the adsl line.  I hope that everyone had a Merry, Merry, so all that is left now is to wish you all a Happy Happy...
Anticipation...MKid in front of the pomegranate
tree we had to use as our Christmas tree as we
couldn't fit our Christmas tree on the trailer :) 
Thank you all for your encouragement, for the inspiration you provide me with via your own blogs and e-mails, and for your friendship - I love that blogging allows me to bridge the many miles between us :)

May 2012 see the granting of your secret wishes, the fruition of your dreams, and may you have peace and harmony within all aspects of your lives.

God Bless - Happy New Year to you all :)


  1. Happy New Year to you as well and may 2012 be jam pack full of good experiences on the farm. Love the pomegranate Christmas tree.:)

  2. Happy New Year to you and yours Dani. I hope we all have a better 2012 than a 2011!

  3. Happy New Year to you and your Eco Footprint Family! My 2011 was made brighter when I found your blog. Thank you for sharing a part of the world that I would never see without blogging.

    All the best

    From the Double Nickel Farm Family
    New Mexico,USA

  4. Love the tree :) Happy New year to you! Cant wait to hear all the updates when you get home.

  5. Well a Merry Merry and Happy Happy to you!

  6. Happy new year! I'm going to celebrate by drying my first herbs in the solar oven. Wish me luck! (It's going to be 32C and sunny here today so it's the perfect weather for it.)

  7. Happy New Year to you also! Love the different Christmas tree :).

  8. All the best for 2012.
    Love from Mum

  9. All the best to you and yours!

  10. Dani may 2012 bring you the very best to you and your family.

    Looking forward to your wonderful posts.

    BTW love the tree!!

  11. John - Thank you - you too :)

    Mr H - Jam packed - hmmm, are you wishing me a preserving year - well, I wouldn't complain - for that will certainly mean that my garden is growing... LOL

    David - Thanks - yup - a better 2012, is, hopefully, in store for us all :)

    Jennifer - Thank you - and to your family too :) And thank you for your very kind words.

    Jane - Thank you. Improvisation is the key - I'll be back to normal blogging round about the 10th January...

    Sue - Thanks LOL - likewise to you.

    Frogdancer - Thank you. I promise, your solar oven drying will be a winner - just remember to leave the lid slightly ajar! We've been hitting 34 - 36oC for the past few days...

    Robyn - Thank you :)

    Garden Girl - Thanks - you too.

    Mum - Thanks - and may yours be excellent too :)

    Quinn - Thank you - you too :)

    Ms Belinda - Thanks very much - and you :)

  12. Happy New Year Dani! :) Was really great to connect in 2011 and I look forward to more interesting posts from you in 2012.

  13. Happy New Year Dani and family. Hope you're back to blogging soon .. miss you!

  14. Tanya - Thank you. I enjoy your blog very much too :)

    Mrs Mac - Thank you - and the same to your family too. Hope little Rowan is growing from strength to strength :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment - it makes my day and removes the "loneliness' of sitting at my screen blogging supposedly to myself ;) I try and reply as quickly as possible so please forgive me if sometimes my response is delayed.