
Saturday, 12 November 2011

More recycled tyres

Robert, one of the guys who works for RMan, accompanied him to assist in collecting the goodies from the auction.  RMan purchased a whole bunch of used tyres which we intend to grow potatoes in.  But Robert had another idea.  

He made this:
Robert's chair made from recycled car tyres
Now I think that it is extremely clever.  These chairs are definitely leave outside, all-weather outdoor furniture that are, apparently, extremely comfortable.  I could use one of those, situated under one of a couple of existing trees (albeit (in this country) undesirable alien Australian Black Wattles) on the plot which provide shade, as a spot to just take a moment or two to sit and silently contemplate the view of the Traddouw Pass, and to quietly think of anything and everything in general :)

I love an entrepreneur who is willing to give of his spare time and effort, and thus, if anyone in Cape Town wants to contact Robert to order one for themselves, please e-mail me and I'll give you his contact number :)


  1. hats off to the good idea...i bet the mosquitoes are rejoicing too!!

  2. LOL - you sound sarcastic. Guess mosquitoes can rejoice in any little pool, where ever.

  3. Wow, that is super cool. Robert is creative. What did he use for the "riempies"? I think you should send this to the local rag...

  4. Good idea for the tires. We used to build swings with them. Never tried potatoes.
    I will send you an e-mail of what I grew potatoes in.

  5. Brilliant! Wish I had that kind of creativity.

  6. Oops -forgot I was still signed in as my work email (Classic) You may delete if you wish.

  7. Cool idea on the chairs. I'm growing quiet a collection of old tires around here. I might try that. I don't think I'd have to worry about a mosquito problem here with no more rain than we get, but I'm wondering about the black from the tires rubbing off on clothing?

  8. Mad dog - That's a good idea :)

    John - Swings, sandals - guess chairs too now LOL

    Classic Bathrooms / Garden Girl (LOL) Me too :)

    David - Yeah - thought about that too - but nothing that an old towel wouldn't sort out - at least until the (staining) rubber stopped rubbing off (if it ever does?). Or mebbe wear your oldest jeans? :)

  9. Brilliant! That one is going straight onto my Pinterest :)

  10. Tania - I love it when someone cleverly makes use of something that would've been destined for landfill...

    A few glitches to sort out (like the mozzies and the rubber marks) but generally I reckon a good idea :)

  11. so neat. A work of art too. I am with a few of the others...rubber marks on clothes. you're right, an old towel would do the trick. Emily

  12. Emily - Am wondering if rubbing the tyre with a bit of bicarb might not do the trick?

  13. Jane - I think Robert is very clever!

    And here I thought he was just accommodating me - seems like he has been listening as I waffle on about recycling / dong what you can to prevent stuff from going to landfill :)

  14. Hey nice chair Dani. Looks like there might just end up being more sitting and a little less spud growing going on now though.

  15. FCH - Nope LOL Growing comes first, relaxing only after the harvest...


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