
Thursday, 20 October 2011

Snails this time...

I feel sorry for birds in winter, and always try and toss out a handful of crushed mealies (corn) for them every morning.  Mealies, or bread that is passed it's best.

On his most recent visit, MKid helped me crumble some stale bread, and we tossed it outside on the patio.  In deference to the poor birds beaks we used to toss it on the lawn, until we discovered that the neighbours cat was making a meal of the newly fed birds - so patio it has to be.

I reckon we must've tossed the bread too late in the day, as it was still there that evening.  And it rained.  So the bread crumbs got a tad wet (a.k.a. soaked) and firmly attached to the paving.

Which means that it's not so easy for the birds to peck up.  But, it seems I have discovered an accidental eco distraction against snail damage.

... because the snails proceeded to make a meal of it!
Munch, munch, munch.
They even went so far as to spread the word... (or should that be taste?)
I have no problem making piles of soaked stale bread to attract snails - it will certainly make them easier to spot at night and toss into a bucket of diluted beer water.  Why beer?  Well, beer destroys their mucus membrane LOL (now I'm wondering what effect beer has on humans - apart from the obvious...!)

And I'm going to have to be sneaky here, 'cos I dunno if RMan is going to willingly part with a bottle?


  1. It would be wonderful if the birds would eat the snails come morning. Full circle. Boy those snails look big too. I guess they are eating well.

  2. So is this the rainy season for you in South Africa? Those slugs will eat just about anything won't they...even each other.

  3. Hey, it's all in the name of science. Sometimes we just have to give in a little for experimentation for the advancement of knowledge, the preservation of the human race and the downfall of the creepy-crawlies!

  4. Jane - Hopefully the tabakrollertjie will sort out the snail - well, that and the beer LOL

    Mr H - Nope, this is the end of our rainy season unfortunately. They eat each other?

  5. Wow, bread.......that's the sort of tip I would expect to see in an organic gardening magazine! Thanks for sharing.

  6. What a nice treat for the bird and neat you drew some snails out with it too. nice nice nice. So nice when they come to you instead of you having to search them out. Emily

  7. Mr H is right we do get cannibal snails, but they are mostly from Natal, not sure if we have any in the Cape. Interesting article here -

  8. Emily - Nothing worse than trying to find snails hiding paces LOL

    garden girl - Very interesting - never knew there were cannibal snails! Long may they live LOL

  9. Very interesting .. cannibals and all ;) Good 'hunting' tips. :)

  10. Mrs Mac - I was also surprised to hear they were cannibals LOL


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