
Sunday, 30 October 2011

Final harvest and Spring growth

A final broad bean harvest awaited our arrival on the farm.  Another 8 kgs (roughly 18lbs) of beans landed in my kitchen sink!  As well as quite a few pods of seeds for next year.

It is a bit of a hassle removing the inner sheath from the broad beans (and naturally I have to have a sample now and then - well, a woman can't work herself to death and starve in the process, can she?), but the meal and taste sensation that these beans provide is worth every minute.  Whether slathered in cholesterol reducing (LOL) butter or tossed in a simple vinaigrette - they are just too delicious!  A complete meal in themselves.  They are very low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium and are also a good source of Dietary Fiber, Protein, Phosphorus, Copper and Manganese, and a very good source of Folate.

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Three of our pomegranate trees are filed with the most beautiful coral red flower buds.  The colour is so striking that they can be seen from the house - a good 40 - 45 mtrs (140 feet) away.  I can't wait to see whether any of the flowers produce fruit this year.  The trees are now three years old and should produce viable fruit for the first time.  (Did you know that the pomegranate fruit contains 613 seeds, which apparently represent the 613 commandments in the first 5 books of the Old Testament?)
Even this little grape plant is chock a block with developing grapes!  Compared to our plant in our town garden, which doesn't have a single bunch (and is 2 years older and gets regular TLC) this is absolutely amazing!  Another perfect example of leaving it to Mother Nature - who knows best!  :)


  1. I love that you live in SA, live in Ireland and we can both grow the same beans! we leave the 'sheath' on and just eat the whole thing, maybe the skin is tougher in the heat? anyway i love your blog - its really inspiring :) xx

  2. Astra - I have welcomed you on your own page LOL

    Irish broad beans - now there's a thought :)

  3. I have never seen a pomegranate grow. That will be interesting.

  4. Jane - Stay tuned - hopefully we get a small harvest his year... ;)

  5. I planted a pomegranate this year, as did two of mt friends in the gardening group. We have a race now as to who will get the first fruit.
    Lucky we're patient people!!

  6. Frogdancer - Welcome :)

    LOL yes patience one has to have - same as lemon trees. They both take three years to produce viable fruit...


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