
Wednesday 28 September 2011

When is a lemon tree not a lemon tree ...?

Seedlings in March this year
I don't know if you recall back in March this year I mentioned that I found three tiny trees growing from seeds that I had planted on the farm at the end of last year.  After I had eaten the fruit, the seeds were just been shoved into the soil, with no attention at all and no water (save the rainfall of the past winter).

This is what they look like now...
Seedlings in September this year
Well, this time, they are much bigger, and I was thus able to pinch of a couple of leaves, in order to smell, and correctly identify them.

They are not lemon tree sapling, they are... baby naartjie (mandarin) trees :)  Happy Days!  We now have both lemons and naartjies growing on the farm.

And, as for the lemon trees I planted in January, this is the progress they have made...

Lemon tree saplings in January 2011
Lemon tree saplings in March 2011
Lemon tree saplings in September 2011 -
they're peeping above the shade cloth.
Even the 2nd row has flourished beautifully :)
They are coming along beautifully.  With their timed irrigation and eco-friendly pest control recipes (1 & 2) they have nearly everything they need.  The only assistance my lemon trees most urgently require from me is... weeding!
Devil thorns invading the weed guard
around my lemon trees

Each plant grows hundred of these nasty thorns
A close up of these nasty b*ggers
These thorns are hectic enough that they will go straight through Crocs - and, whatever you do, don't walk anywhere without your shoes, nor kneel / sit anywhere without scouting around for this plant first - you WILL regret it!  But, even worse than that is the fact that when they get stuck in the sole of your shoe, the chances are that they will drop off as you walk indoors, which can create a nasty surprise if you walk barefoot in the house.  So checking underneath your shoes prior to entering the house is a definite.

And that, MKid, is the reason we always tell you to put your shoes on as soon as you wake up in the morning, and to leave them on all day :)


  1. Your lemon saplings are doing well Dani. It looks nice and green there at the moment.

    And as for those prickles we have them here too, except we call them Three Corner Jacks! Dreaded things they are. As soon as we see a new plant it gets pulled out!

  2. Lemon trees looking great.

    Those thorns are a huge problem when caught up in our dogs long hair!

  3. Yip dani, those little thorny buggers travel indoors and suddenly it will catch someone unsuspectedly, and you will hear a curse coming from somewhere in the house. Then there is the odd person that will after being a victim of the thorn, transfer it to some body else's bed or gum boot.

  4. What a nice surprise to have a new variety of fruit but what a pain to have an invasion of three corner jacks. Here I was thinking they were exclusive to Australia as we have so many other nasty plants and animals. Lol, they probably spread worldwide on travellers boots.

  5. Tania - Yes, t'is green - thanks to the rains we've had this past winter.

    Mad dog - LOL haven't had the dog problem yet, but I'm sure that's not too far in the future.

    African Bliss - Sounds familiar. And who would / cold pass on the pain...?

    Stitchin' time - LOL and her I was thinking they're indigenous to South Africa. Yup, reckon the boots is probably the cause of their world travels

  6. Hi those three corner jacks are full up in my garden and I'm looking for a solution to get rid of them once and for all coz they really terrible any ideas from anyone to get rid of it. Will really appreciate it. Thanks

  7. Unknown - The only solution I know of is to dig them up - preferably before they form the seed / thorn.


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