
Sunday, 6 March 2011

Sharing is caring... a give away

I am trying to declutter my life in readiness for our eventual move to the farm.

Whilst sifting through my bookshelf I came across this book.

Now, with our non-existant / limited electrical appliances on the farm, plus the fact that I no longer even own a juicer, I thought, "Why not share what you can't use anymore"!

So, partly as a way of marking just over a year of blogging (with many grateful thanks to the new friends I have made in that time), and also as a way of decluttering, I am offering this (well used) book as a give-away - next Friday night  (11th March) RMan will choose a random reply from all the comments to this posting, and, whoever you are, and wherever you are on this planet, I will send the book to you - locally (South Africa), northern or southern hemisphere :-)

So - it's up for grabs. 

It's all about juicing LOL - explaining in detail how to mix and prepare raw fruit and veggies for juicing in order to enhance well-being, and to provide essential vitamins and minerals to help beat fatigue and boost your immunity.  A brilliant little book!

This is a look at the contents page:

Click on the image for a bigger picture
All my northern hemisphere readers are just beginning their spring  / summer gardens / plantings.  This book may help one of you decide if you're actually going to plant "that particular" plant this year in order to harvests its' produce and put that to good use :-)

And, for my southern hemisphere readers - maybe it will help to pass the winter months dreaming of an gooseberry, banana or strawberry smoothie / juice next season...

Here is a peek at three pages from the back index (click on the image - I hope I left the image big enough for the index to be visible :-)  )

I am a firm believer in paying it forward, so, to the winner, all I ask in return is that you go through your bookcase (or whatever), and "pay it forward" if you're so inclined :-)

A bit of sharing on this planet cannot go amiss, can it?

Uses for banana peels
Finally, on the subject of fruit, and specifically bananas, did you know that a potassium rich, ripe, or black, banana isn't just for a banana loaf - the peel can be used as a soothing rub for an insect bite - it really works, I kid you not.  So, whenever I make banana bread, I pop the skins in the freezer, and the next mozzie, or gnat bite, I whip out a peel, and Hey, Presto!  the itch is gone :-)

A ripe banana can also be used as a face mask, and the skins used to polish shoes and for wiping down the dusty leaves of houseplants.

Finally, use crushed dried banana peels when you plant out seedlings.  Just place them under the seedling and feed your plant a boost of free, nutrious extra potassium :-)  Placing used banana skins in your compost heap will have the same effect - but obviously, more diluted.

We have so much out there which we have forgotten how to use!  Gotta love this planet and what we have free access to, haven't you?

Have you any alternative uses for plants / fruits that you'd like to share?


Give away closed:  Emilysincerely - you are the winner, by unanimous decision :-)  Please could you let me have your postal address - mail me on: dani at ecofootprint dot co dot za

Enjoy - it is a brilliant book!


  1. A quick HI. I popped over from Jane over at Hard Work Homestead because of a comment you made under her "grape" "nut" post - you mentioned solar cooking and I had to come over and check it out. I haven't started reading yet, just wanted to say HI and bookmark your blog so I can read through it as time permits. From Emily in South Texas

  2. Hi Dani- I have just received the wonderful Juicing book you sent me. What a neat book. I scanned the index and quickly turned to the pages about "For Your Health" and found some great juices for hay fever (my husband is severely suffering from oak pollen right now). I am going to be gone for a bit, but when I get back, I am diving straight into that section to see if it will help him. Thank you SO SO much! Emily

  3. Emily - you're very welcome :-) Glad it arrived safely. Lok forard to reading any posts that you write about the contents - do so hope it helps your husband (and you) :-)


Thank you for taking the time to comment - it makes my day and removes the "loneliness' of sitting at my screen blogging supposedly to myself ;) I try and reply as quickly as possible so please forgive me if sometimes my response is delayed.