
Sunday, 18 August 2019

Ronald Peter Nieckau

Ronald Peter Nieckau

18/07/1953 -  17/08/2019

Rest in peace, my very, very dear Ronnie.  

The horrific, last cruel four and a half months should not have to be endured by anyone - least of all you - the bravest, gentlest and kindest person I know.

Your bravery, compassion for others, sense of absolute fairness, enjoyment of life, humour and oh, so gentle spirit lives on in our memories.  Your achievements and fulfillment of dreams are recorded on this blog. 

Forever now I am a rudderless ship - adrift at sea.  The gaping hole left by your loss is unbearable, and my only consolation is that the cruel, short illness - so very, very bravely born - will not, and cannot, harm you anymore.

“Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow,
That I shall say good night till it be morrow.”

Rest in peace, my Ronnie Bunt.  I love you.  Always.

Wiedersehen - until we meet again…