
Saturday, 30 July 2016

Winter for some, and summer for others

I fortuitously met up with a wholesale seed supplier at our local co-op the other day and asked him why I was unable to find watercress seeds.

It turns out that apparently they have been classified as "alien" plants and they are not allowed to sell them anymore.


They are so incredibly rich in nutrients.  And a good source of Vitamin A & C, and, like swiss chard, especially high in Vitamin K.

Damn - I wanted to grow them firstly for the fresh greens, and secondly for the seeds so that I can sprout them next winter.

So, here's a question for you all.  Does anyone have any watercress plants that they would be willing to send me a cutting (with roots) of?  Or can you find edible (health section) or crop seeds in your local store?

I am willing to swop seeds with whosoever has access to watercress.  I've got heirloom yellow, black and red tomatoes, mung beans, piquanté pepper and broadbean seeds to offer.  Take your pick :D

Anyway, talking about broadbeans (fava beans), back to today's posting.

It is really strange to me to read on overseas blogs that you are growing peas and broadbeans - in summer.  They only grow here in winter.

When it comes to shelling them, I plug my MP3 player into my ears, switch it on and settle down for a music session - the time passes in a wink ;)
Broad beans and peas - a delicious winter
 treat here
I have been steadily harvesting both for quite a few of weeks, and although RMan isn't mad about broadbeans I manage to get him to eat them by removing both the outer pod, and the inner capsule.  Tedious, but worth it to get the goodness inside him.

(To twice shell - place the inner encapsulated broad bean in boiling water for 2 minutes.  Thereafter the capsule will easily slide off the inner bean.  Dogs L-O-V-E that inner capsule - Scallywag couldn't get enough of them, but strangely enough wasn't mad about the actual inner bean).

Last week I made each of us a crustless quiche and added both peas and broadbeans to it.  Yum - that was stunningly delicious - even RMan enjoyed it (but it could also have been the bacon bits that I added to his one ;)

Tonight I am making chicken à la king - with twice shelled broadbeans added to the sauce lol  He wont even notice...

But, my most favourite recipe for broadbeans is just warm, twice shelled beans with a knob of butter splashed with freshly squeezed lemon juice and a sprinkling of S & P to taste.
A full 456 grams of broadbeans, and 256gms
of freshly shelled peas.  What more could I ask
Peas - those he'll happily shell and munch on in their raw state - and the balance, after a quick blanch, I'm popping in the freezer for use next summer when it is too hot to grow them here.

For those who are interested here is the crustless quiche recipe:

Peel, slice and chop an onion and brown in a little oil.  Set aside.
If you're adding bacon bits, use the same frying pan and par cook them.
Add the onions and bacon bits to the shelled broadbeans and peas.
Break into a bowl and beat as many eggs as you are going to use. To this add seasonings as required - salt, pepper, garlic, herbs, etc - and a splash of milk.
Add the broadbeans, peas, onions and bacon bits into your beaten egg mixture and pour into a well oiled / buttered casserole dish / deep baking tray.
Add sliced tomatoes on top and sprinkle with grated cheese
Cook in a 180oC oven until the egg is set and firm to the touch - roughly ½ - ¾ hour

I have not given quantities as it will vary according to how many people you are serving - and that adjustment is common sense.

It is also a brilliant way of using up a surplus of fresh, free-range chicken eggs :D  God bless my chickies.

(The only shop bought items in that meal was the seasonings, grated cheese and the bacon bits for RMan ;)  )

What are your favourite broadbean (fava bean) recipes?

Saturday, 23 July 2016

Feeding the feathered wildlife

I feel so sorry for the wild birds in winter.  Seed is at a minimum, it's cold (and wet), and they are busy formulating their eggs for laying in Spring.
Our sugar water bird feeder
So, apart from our sugar water feeder, I try and give them some seed.
Grrrrrrr!  Those chickens just love the exact spot
where I throw the wild bird seed every evening!
I have been scattering it on the grass, but those wily 100% free range chickens and the rooster have found the spot where I normally throw a handful out for the wild birds in the late afternoon.
Their 24 / 7 / 365 source of food - apart from
 the entire garden...!!
Which chases away the wild birds so that they can eat the seed.  Given the gourmet food (laying pellets, sunflower seeds, pearl barley, crushed corn and lentils - not to mention the grated carrot and cabbage as a treat) that the chickens are provided with on a 24 / 7 / 365 basis, it doesn't sit comfortably with me that they need to guzzle the wild birds food as well.
Pretty - but surely a lot of seed must spill on
 the ground?
I have posted before about recycling plastic containers into bird feeders, but the above pic seems to me to be very wasteful.  All that seed on the spoon section that will fall on the ground.
I still want to make
one of these bird
houses one day
The bird house (above) is brilliant - if I could find a 3 litre milk bottle.  The largest we have in the shops in our town are 2 litre bottles.

So, I applied myself, and have come up with the following:
My simple version of a bird feeder which
 doesn't spill seed on the ground (and
 feel the chickens or grow potential weeds!)
It is a recycled 2 litre milk bottle into which I have cut a roughly 7cm (h) X 8cm (w) hole in the middle, and two smaller holes on the front and back of the bottle in order to insert a dowel rod for the birds to stand on to access the seed in the bottle.  I didn't cut a hole either side of the bottle because, with the wind we have here, I was worried that the seed would just blow straight out the other side.

Hanging in the shade, the plastic bottle should last a good long while, but it is so easy to make, that replacing it with another empty milk bottle when it perishes will take exactly 5 minutes.

I have assured RMan that I will not be decorating all the trees on our smallholding with milk bottles - and will limit myself, and the birds, to just two bottles :D
The little overhang certainly prevents the
 rainwater from entering the bottle and the
 dowel rod works well as a food perch
When I cut out the hole I left a small lip on the top to deflect rainwater away from the seed,
The dowel rod pokes right through the bottle
 feeder - and waiting birds take advantage
 of the handy perch close to the food
Also, as I discovered, you need to silicone in both sides of the bottle by the the dowel rod - and the two holes by the neck of the bottle through which the hanging wire is threaded.  Otherwise the rainwater drips through into the seed :(
That 5-odd cms of seed storage is perfectly
 large enough to hold food for 4 - 5 days.
 But, I have even seen a bird inside the bottle
grabbing the last of the seed lol
I placed the feeder in the tree, and I lie not - within 10 minutes the birds had found it, and they haven't left since...
Queueing up impatiently - I wish you could
see / hear the squabbles when a bird - any bird
 takes too long on the dowel rod...
 ... even to the point that huge barney's happen if a bird takes too long and monopolizes the perch for too long.
Some are patient, and some
 just can't wait!

Queueing up wherever they can -
even searching for spilt seed on the
 ground will do...
I have to replenish the seed every 4 - 5 days.  That's not too much of a hassle.

And the thought that local birds go to sleep at night with full tummies makes me happy.

I just wish it was as easy to help all the undernourished, starving children go to sleep at night with a full tummy too...

Saturday, 16 July 2016

It's too soon...

... for this to be happening.

I checked back on my blog, and the earliest we have had spring blossoms on our plum trees was the middle of August.
Whaaat?  Spring blossom on the plum tree already?
 That's nuts!!
The first blossoms started appearing in the first week of July, and today the show is even more impressive.
As early as they are, they are gorgeous, aren't
 they :)
But, it hasn't been cold enough, and even our apple trees still have last seasons leaves on them?!
Our young apple trees still have their leaves?!
And, for goodness sake, even my roses are still flowering.
The rose bush by our front entrance steps
 is still in flower - how can I prune it?
I am supposed to prune them this month!!
Stunning - even if it's a tardy bloom
But then I read this:
(more details can be found here:
...and I wonder why I am surprised.

I realized this morning that have not used any of my warm jackets once this winter yet!  Jersey's yes, but jackets?  Nope, they're still in my cupboard.

I wonder what this bodes for the upcoming summer?  That (massive) shade cloth structure over our fruit trees may become a serious necessity...

Update on Snoopy - she is settling in really well.  She is eating well and happily venturing outside to find out what is going on...
So close but yet so far -
Snoopy watching the birds at the
bird feeder - more on that next time...
... especially at night.  We can hear her easing herself (noisily) out of the lounge window as we fall asleep ;) 

Saturday, 9 July 2016

The latest addition to the family...

... arrived last Sunday.

RSon phoned RMan last Sunday morning.  He told him a story about a 3 - 4 year old animal at the apartment block where he lives in town, which had been left behind by his first owner.

How can anyone do that?

The new inhabitant of that apartment adopted the animal.  But, he was recently diagnosed with Leukemia.  They thought that the cancer had spread to his lungs because he was having difficulty breathing.  It turn out he was allergic to it.


So it went to another occupant - who already had a one, and the two didn't get on.  So the new owner made it sleep outside on the balcony / verandah at night.  On a cushion on their patio chair in the freezing cold!!


Anyway, to get back to topic...

RSon wanted to know from RMan if we would take the animal.

Bloody hell, yes!

So RSon immediately hopped into his car and drove for 3 hours to bring her to us.

How can anyone be cruel to an defenseless, harmless animal?

So - introducing Snoopy...
Snoopy on the couch with RMan - RMan
 was still taking it slow whilst Snoops got
 to know us so minimal touches which she
flinched away from, and no sudden movements.
Who calls a cat Snoopy, who comes when she's whistled, and who doesn't meow, but makes tiny little squeaks lol

The poor traumatized thing hid under RSon's bed for 2 days!

We were very worried about her - nothing to eat, nothing to drink, no sandbox use even though I, concerned, put the food, water and box in the room with her...

Finally, on the third day she ventured out from under the bed - and room.

I brought everything downstairs to the kitchen again, and she has finally started eating, and drinking properly.

She is very skittish, and runs and hides at the slightest loud noise or sudden movement.

Yesterday our neighbour popped in for 10 minutes - and Snoopy disappeared.  I thought that perhaps she had taken fright and run out through one of the open doors.

We searched high, we searched low, down on hands and knees, and up on tip toes.  She was nowhere to be found.

I tried thinking like a cat - and checked in all the kitchen cupboard doors which had been open during the day.
Believe it or not, Snoopy squeezes into the space
 behind the records - all you can see from the outside
 is the tips of her two little ears sticking up
I checked in the small space behind the LP records we have in a shelf - where she had hidden before.
The tiny footwell under my writing
desk which I inherited from RMan's mom
I checked in the tiny footwell under the writing desk where my laptop is situated.


Damn.  Where could she be.

Walking round outside, calling, psssss-ing and whistling (she comes to whistles?!?) and nothing.

Then I remembered that I had brought in the washing from the line.

Could she?

Is she?

Yup, she climbed in the bottom and RMan's cupboard and hid amongst his shirts.

Sigh.  What a relief.  She is safe.

She is s-l-o-w-l-y getting better, more friendly, and more exploratory.

It will just take time.
Snoopy on the front patio -
basking in the afternoon sun
Tomorrow she has been here for a week.  This afternoon, in celebration,  she ventured out onto our front patio.

She met the chickens.  And the rooster.

And was very intrigued.

From a distance.

As soon as they came up the front steps to investigate her, she scarpered indoors again, and watched them through the window.

Ditto, the alpacas fascinate her - from the window sill  lol

Snoop has decided that my lap,
 covered in my comfy gown, is
 an acceptable place to watch TV
  with us in the evening
There is just so much to explore here at her forever home...

Monday, 4 July 2016

Prepare yourselves... is going to be very different on Mother Earth.  It would appear that we have passed the point of no return, and there is no going back.

This is seriously scary stuff...

'Unprecedented': Scientists Declare Global Climate Emergency After Jet Stream Crosses Equator
 or if you want to watch this on YouTube:
Take the time to consider how this change in our weather / climate / jet stream is going to affect you, and how you, personally, can mitigate the changes to enable you to continue to grow your own produce and provide for yourselves.

I wrote this posting above before :

1) I lost my internet connection for 3 days due to vandalism
2) I discovered that there is no need to panic - jet streams moving from the northern to southern hemispere, and back are apparently "normal" (

But, the original article does raise a point.  Actually, a couple of points.

Climate change, is, I believe, irrefutable, and with that in mind, the more steps we all take to prepare ourselves for the difficulties that lie ahead, the better off we will be to assist those in need / without knowledge when the time comes.  Standing back and waiting for someone else to solve our problems is the normal reaction.  But, being proactive, and starting the process for ourselves - and for our children - will stand us in better stead.

What can you do I hear some of you ask?

1)  Conserve water - don't take your access to water for granted, not even if you have a crystal clear stream passing through your property.

i)  Source (if necessary) and seriously apply mulch around your plants
ii)  Collect and store whatever rainwater falls in whichever way you can
iii)  Experiment with a simple hydroponic / aquaponic system - don't let the fear of the unknown stop you from investigating this food growing avenue. Experimenting now will allow you to become more "qualified" and able to use this method confidentially in the future.  (note - we have had to make an adjustment with our hydroponic experiment - more news coming up in a future posting).

2) Adapt

i) Be prepared to change the types of crops that you normally grow - for instance consider growing different crops that are suitable for the changing weather in your area
ii) Invest in shade netting / greenhouse tunnels to assist your plants in performing / providing to their maximum ability.
iii)  If there are crops that require a certain amount of rainfall, start researching similar alternatives which will provide you with those nutrients / carbohydrates / proteins now - don't wait until TSHTF.

This charcoal cooler room reduces the outside
temperature from 30°C to 8°C

3 Look to the 3rd World people / underprivileged for idea's on how to cope in what will be, for you, "different" times but for them it is perfectly natural

i)  For storing food long(er) term without adding additional strain on the system / environment, their innovative ways are amazing e.g. charcoal cooler rooms for storing harvests.  Such a blooming simple idea, and it obviously works :)  And is a damn sight cheaper than (electric) refrigeration...
ii)  Learn to preserve your harvests via dehydration or canning - it's not difficult if you get yourself a reputable preserving book.  And is oh, so gratifying, to use those preserves out of season.  Plus you get the added benefit of knowing exactly what is in what you are eating and can be reassured that GMO and chemicals are not forming a hidden part of your or your family's nutritional intake.
iii)  Investigate (a.k.a. Google lol) how they manage to grow crops in their adverse climates (both extremely hot and cold) and what measures they take to ensure that they are able to harvest something / anything...

Those are just a few thoughts I wanted to share with you and they are just a few of the steps that can be taken now that will benefit you in future.

I leave you with this:


This is what the vandals did - this little action affected at least 350 - 500 people!
The power junction box was ripped off
 the tower and the cables were
 disconnected.  I took Escom 4 days
to repair... :(